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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    hold me in this wild, wild world; ALL
    the past tense of regret is indecision
    wing appearance: green hummingbird, then red feathered.
    Her father’s call reaches her even where she is exploring the farthest reaches of the Island, though in her case it’s more of a relay. Brennen has spent a good deal of time playing with the birds native to Ischia, and they have become enthralled with him as well; so they carry the news amongst themselves even to where the bay mare is having a grand time exploring the wilderness of one of the smaller islands. She finishes her thorough inspection of a tidepool and its inhabitants before finding a place where the break in the canopy overhead is big enough to allow passage of a winged girl, and then heads up and away until she can see the gathering beneath her.

    Hummingbird wings make her easily maneuverable, allowing Bristol to set herself down quite gently only a few feet from the others, and stride easily to settle amongst them, watching her father with interest, as well as observing those who have been living alongside her since she arrived. Words volley back and forth and the amber-eyed girl finds them more entertaining than anything she’s seen in a long time, and she is able to keep her words to herself for a few minutes but her ire is officially riled by the bay appaloosa she has seen around canoodling with Krone; she steps forward to make herself known and laughs out loud at his blustery anger.

    “Who is he to nominate himself?” she mocks the question; her head tilted even as her hummingbird-bright wings morph into red feathered wings that more accurately portray her mood and she lifts them a little subconsciously. “He was a Watcher and is the General of Ischia. He has lived here basically as long as Krone and served the Kingdom loyally, despite having almost no help. He is one of the most proven warriors of our time. The better question is, who are you to oppose him, newcomer?”

    Bristol has absolutely none of the patience and easy-going nature of her sire; she is fire and brimstone and has been simmering, waiting for a chance to be free of the constraints she’s felt. Now that she’s offered her rebuke to Durotan, and is studiously refusing to look at her sire because she’s quite confident he won’t be pleased, she waits for another quick silence. “I’m Bristol. I’ve seen many of you around.” A quicksilver smile, “And my vote is with my father. Of course.” Only then does she fall silent, and lapse back into watching the drama unfold – and it unfolds quickly, with the dissenters taking their leave. Her older brother gently turns the meeting towards business, and she finally looks at her sire with interest, ready for the next thing to happen.

    Finally, it’s exciting here.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: hold me in this wild, wild world; ALL - by Krone - 04-13-2018, 11:26 AM
    RE: hold me in this wild, wild world; ALL - by Krone - 04-13-2018, 02:28 PM
    RE: hold me in this wild, wild world; ALL - by Bristol - 04-14-2018, 07:40 PM

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