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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    squeak chirp squeal squeak, Tarnished + anyone who wants to play with giant squirrels

    Once there was an old ocean
    where anyone who saw it
    would grow old with the sea

    She has decided that the meadow suits her very well. There are so many interesting things to see, so many fascinating horses to talk to and spy upon. Not that she has done much spying. Mostly, she has been following the woodland creatures of the meadow around. She has grown quite partial to many of the creatures that inhabit this land. She had spent much her very early life quietly and happily playing with any willing creature she could find. For a happy, curious child, this had been a very satisfying existence. At least, it had been up until now. The urge to explore, to range farther and wider had grown within her. This is how she had stumbled upon the meadow, not so long ago. And once she had found it, she had been hooked.

    Today she is following a squirrel. Occasionally, the small gray creature stops to chatter at her. She does not understand its squirrely language, but she is delighted and amused nonetheless. The small critter scampers up and down trees, stopping occasionally with a startling suddenness before continuing on. At one point, it darts quickly across her withers. The sharp claws dig into her skin as it leaps away, leaving small pinpricks in the sensitive flesh. But she does not mind. In mere seconds, the flesh is as smooth as it had been moments before. She thinks nothing of it. She had been like this since the moment of her birth. Any time she had received a scrape or a bruise, her flesh had easily mended. She has no idea that this is unique, that not everyone has this ability. To her, it is simply normal.

    She is still following the squirrel when suddenly it darts away, into a tree and across the highway of connecting branches, faster than she can follow. It does not take her long to see the reason for the creature’s sudden disappearance. To her amazement, she sees two of the largest creatures she has ever seen. Aside from being large, they are quite odd. One creature, she thinks it must have once been a squirrel, is covered in scaly armor and spikes. The second creature, which also must be some sort of odd squirrel, is bearing down upon the first from the sky, electric blue wings spread wide. As she watches, it opens its mouth and sends a great blast of frigid air at the first squirrel.

    With sudden horror, she realizes that the first one might be in grave danger. Darting forward without a care for her own safety, she screams a warning at the massive creature on the ground, Watch out!!

    Only after she has landed herself directly in the center of a giant battle of squirrels does she realize that perhaps she had not thought this all the way through. What can one tiny filly possibly do in the midst of all this?


    healing daughter of bother and covet

    html c insane | picture c xproziumx.deviantart.com | bg picture c nikita666.deviantart.com

    I'm sorry, I couldn't resist. Because who doesn't want a baby in the middle of an epic squirrel battle? :|

    Messages In This Thread
    squeakety squicken chirp - that means who can resist giant squirrels - by Elfeya - 07-13-2015, 10:50 PM

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