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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  Out with the golden we sew // Warrick

    and in my dreams I've kissed your lips a thousand times
    The bay king seems to falter as I mention Hyaline's nonexistent army - as if he considers Hyaline a synonym for Solace, instead of the home for her people who are in need of protection during these trying times. But in the same breath, my own heart squeezes at the thought of Solace being in enough danger to require an army's defense. Despite the darkness that sometimes dwells in my mind, I wish wholeheartedly that we could return to Beqanna could return to being exclusively light. Now that I have her to hold at night, to kiss and to soothe when her fears overwhelm her - now I wish this.

    He recovers before either of us have time to voice these concerned thoughts however, and I follow his lead. A sharp nod indicates that I agree with his assessment of the political situation, storing away that information for later times when I might be called to the forefront of Hyaline's hierarchy. Were that ever to happen, I know that I could trust for a continued good faith on the part of Tephra, and especially Warrick. Unless what I have to say now does not go over well, of course.

    A genuine - if a little nervous - smile comes to my lips as he agrees to sport with me, eager to see that he is smiling back. A good sign! A green light!.. But he speaks more, and I am by no means excited to stop him. "Hopefully by the time your warriors hear this news, I'll have kicked enough butts into the caste system that they'll actually have Hyalinian opponents to choose from." And then, in the same breathe as he asks about Sylva: "Warrick, I --"

    But I cut myself off and shake my head deliberately should he attempt to prompt me to speak first, smiling sheepishly - and in horror that I'll have to work up the courage to start up AGAIN. "No, thankfully. They've been stealing rampantly as you know, but nothing as of yet directed towards our corner of Beqanna. Should there be, I think it might be taken as an offense by more than just ourselves... Hyaline serves as a sanctuary, and to attack it would almost unthinkable - but worse has come to pass, so we must be ready."

    Now, Kagerus.

    "King Warrick, there's actually another reason I came to see you today." My eyes bug out a little, but I refuse to break the gaze we now hold. I gulp, but it is in vain, for no amount of swallowing will make what I have to say any less daunting. "Sir, I come seeking your approval..." Vague as hell, spit it out Kag, there's no going back now. I swallow again, press my ears back in a show of submission and respect. "I've fallen in love with your daughter, sir, and it would be my heart's only desire to have your blessing of our pursuit of one another."

    A pause of silence - tension filled - at least on my end. In my eyes, there are suddenly tears.

    "I love her, and I want to protect her to my dying breath - but you are her father, and as she respects you, so too do I."

    @[Warrick] idk what this is but its SAPPY AS HELL TO BE SURE
    [Image: kag]

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    RE: Out with the golden we sew // Warrick - by Kagerus - 04-30-2018, 06:47 PM

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