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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Desolation comes upon the sky; ALL Nerinians + Tournament Participants
    After they finish their mocks, or don’t finish as the case may be, they are standing around waiting on something to happen, and happen it does. Without ever remembering falling asleep, they awaken far away from the challenging fields, and apart from many of their Brothers and Sisters: the Krakens have been returned to Ischia, and the Leviathans to Nerine.

    The Nerinians find themselves awakening along the cool, swirling coast of their home, the cliffs above already casting them in deep shadows as dusk falls. Their bodies are sore as if from travel, leaving them wondering how they got home. Each of them is alone somewhere on the edge of the coastal kingdom. Not completely clueless, though; they are filled with the compunction to find their Amazonian Advisor in the depths of the eerie pine forest near the center of the kingdom, knowing somehow that only by doing so would they be able to complete their final task, and pledge themselves truly to the Sisterhood.

    However, it isn’t as simple as that. Did they expect it to be? Somewhere along the way, each of them is faced with the temptation to turn back; something or someone that urges them to abandon the Sisterhood and Nerine; tempts them with their darkest fears and deepest desires to leave the Leviathans and make a home elsewhere. It will take strong hearts and clear minds to prevail here.

    Those that succeed find Scorch at the basin of the forest, surrounded on all sides by massive pines that bleed darkness and sobriety. Around her naked body, threads of light twist and dance. As each individual arrives, a beam of light shoots out to welcome them, bending around their figure fluidly. To each, Scorch offers only a nod; her lips set in the smallest smile. Only when the pale light of the rising moon infiltrates the dense forest that surrounds them does Scorch speak. “My Sisters,” her words encompass all of them - from the youngest to oldest, the women and the men - “I am glad to see you have made it this far tonight, and look forward to recognizing your other accomplishments in the days to come. But the time has come for us to formally pledge ourselves to one another.”

    Her molten red-yellow eyes drift from face to face. “First, I would ask that you share with us a secret of yourself, and any information from your past that might affect the Sisterhood in the future. Those who have no dangerous secrets may simply share something they hold close to their own hearts. In knowing each other’s secrets, we are better protected as a whole.” She scans the crowd, knowing that this request might cause them to balk. But they are here - they defeated the darkness - and they will find that by submitting to complete vulnerability before each of their peers, they will be stronger as a whole. “Second, I ask you to pledge your loyalty to the Leviathans.” She clears her throat a little, and lets those words echo into the space around them all.

    “By land, sea, and whispers in the wind we remember — the first and last, the sword and shield. By our land and our history, we stand strong in our duty. May the spirits of our predecessors guide and watch over us as we, a proud kingdom, dare to dream of a future with equality. We live by the law: we did, we can, we will.

    My people, live a good life and die a better death knowing we conquer those who threaten us. Bound by nothing we lead the future by our history. Remember to always be feared, as we become a shield for the weak.”

    And then she waits.

    So there is a different prompt for Ischians and Nerinians but the components are thus:
    In order to reach Brennen/Scorch, you must describe your journey from shore to the specified area, including what form the dark force/temptation takes and how you combat it. (Its source is Oblivion, who is telepathetic and has a fear aura. He will not be taking corporeal form, but you can get creative with this).
    Telling at least one secret/secrets that may affect your Kingdom
    Pledge yourself to your respective Kingdom

    Everyone who participates in this round will receive points in the tournament if they were participating, and one winner from each Kingdom will get more points. It will be judged overall on creativity.

    All Nerinians and Ischians are invited to participate and pledge to their Kingdoms even if they were not part of the tournament
    [Image: scorch2.png]

    Messages In This Thread
    Desolation comes upon the sky; ALL Nerinians + Tournament Participants - by Scorch - 06-20-2018, 01:28 PM

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