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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    Summer School - introductions and history
    Lucrezia feels relaxed and confident at the first session. She has been taught the history of Beqanna by her own father. It was almost instinct to her now, as if she had been there at the events. As a former diplomat leader and ruler, she knew that history was important to be aware of but it was even more fundamental to not repeat history.

    She listens carefully to each of the other horses that step forward giving their assignment in front of the class. Zain speaks about the bachelor kingdom. He does not hide his passion for his thoughts on the matter, especially since the recent return of the bachelor kingdom. Lucrezia is surprised for such thoughts, even his performance she cannot help but smile at. It was not a smile for disaster, but Lucrezia could appreciate one’s passion for their beliefs and standing up for them. Next comes a small filly named Pond, her ears flicker forward, curious if this filly will have such distaste for the part of history she was assigned. Lucrezia nods her head in agreement—bloodshed had become the norm of figuring out the disputes between kingdoms, which had lead them towards the Reckoning. She had seen her own home flood into the abyss because of bloodshed and hunger for power.

    It is her turn next. The winged mare steps forward, already forming the words she wants to say within her mind. As she comes to the front of the class, she turns to the group of other students and their teacher. “Death is an unforgiving experience we can all feel. There is sadness and bitterness when a loved one dies. It is especially hard for those you might look up to for guidance and assurance. Our leaders are no exception to this.” Lucrezia pauses for a moment and overlooks the students.

    “In the year of 25, there was death all around Beqanna and sorrow filled the lands. Rulers were dying and the young were rising to carry the new generation forward. Skye was appointed as one of the new rulers within the light mythical kingdom, Dewdrop Deserts, during this time in the year of 25, but her ruling did not last long.” Lucrezia falls silent, allowing each of her gaze to be held by the other students and teacher. “A terrible disease, perhaps cancer or something else deadly, took ahold of her life within the year of 27. He ruling had been short, but I can imagine she left a legacy of change as queens were beginning to be considered equal and to solely role the kingdoms. She then appointed her secret lover, Spectrum, to the throne before dying.”

    She has felt the death of those she loved, a family she had become a part of. It had been the same place Skye and her had called home. Lucrezia can feel the tears closing in on her, touching the corners of her eyes. The mare doesn’t allow herself to fall into despair. “Death is tragic and can affect us in all ways. It’s important we do not let our grief take hold of us from those we might lose. We must push on and keep their memory alive.”

    Lucrezia then makes her way back to where she previously stood.

    Word Count: 545 (above the 10% stated within the guidelines)
    Bonus Question Answer: Garrano (Portugal), Lusitano (Portugal), Mérens (France)
    Sources: Beqanna History Iberian horse breeds
    **I also didn't have time to edit this before I wrote it earlier today to include Breckin, sorry Sad
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    RE: Summer School - introductions and history - by Lucrezia - 07-22-2018, 06:20 PM

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