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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    You’re dripping like a saturated sunrise, Leilan
    For a week now she had been ignoring her daughter’s incessant urges that they go somewhere besides Hyaline. Even though the mountainous kingdom had plenty to offer, the almost still-newborn’s appetite for adventure was insatiable. With her patience beginning to wear thin, but still far too cautious to dare let the filly go anywhere alone, Briseis had decided that a short trip to the nearby river would hopefully be enough to satisfy Chryseis’ curiosity for now. The black mare was so accustomed to being alone that now, having a literal shadow, it was taking some getting used to. Thankfully her maternal instincts override any sort of ill feelings that could possibly arise; any time she was feeling irritated or fatigued all she had to do was look at the lovely little creature she had created and everything washed away.

    They moved at a leisurely pace, or at least Briseis did. Summer was well upon them, and today was a beautiful day, like so many of them were. The bright sun was warm across her back, her black coat having regained its brilliant luster now that winter was gone. Chryseis looked almost nothing like her mother, save for the jet black mane and tail. Her coat had the silver-blue sheen that was true to blue roans, but down the center of her face was metallic gold blaze. The similarities between the girl and her father were striking, but instead of being irked by this, Briseis found it amusing. She had not sought him out yet, not because she didn’t feel he deserved to know that he had sired a child, but more so because she isn’t so sure he really cares. Thankfully, Chryseis has yet to figure out that it took two horses to create her, and so Briseis has managed to avoid the topic all together.

    The dainty filly is bounding ahead of her mother, her childish giggles floating behind her. The grasslands that surrounded the river were lush and soft beneath her feet, with flowers still blooming and bright clustering the landscape. Up ahead she can see the sun sparkling off the water, and with an excited squeal she immediately races ahead. Ignoring her mother’s sharp protest, she is almost to the bank of the river, her large brown eyes taking in the way the water rushes over the rocks that bulge from the surface. But her awkward, gangly legs are no match for her mother’s much more fluid stride, and in a matter of seconds she is crashing into the broadside of Briseis’ barrel. ”Chryseis! What have I told you about just rushing head first into things? You can’t even swim, what were you planning on doing?” Even though there is a sternness to her voice as she scolds, the undertone of fear was obvious with the slight tremor as she spoke.

    But the girl is oblivious to the heart palpitations she had given her mother, ducking her head to peer at the water from underneath her stomach. ”But mommy it looks like fun!” There is a hint of a whine to her voice, her lower lip trembling in what could possibly be beginning of tears. But Briseis firmly nudges the little girl in the other direction, and it is only when she diverts her gaze for a mere second that she spots an incredibly familiar roan and metallic gold figure in the distance.

    you’re ripped at every edge but you’re a masterpiece


    Messages In This Thread
    You’re dripping like a saturated sunrise, Leilan - by Briseis - 07-25-2018, 06:40 PM

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