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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    You’re dripping like a saturated sunrise, Leilan
    Briseis had never had much tact when it came to keeping personal relationships. Although her memories of her time before Beqanna remain murky and fragmented, she is pretty sure she has never maintained any sort of friendship. Those that she has met here - mainly just Kagerus and Leilan - was the closest she has ever come to even having what you could call acquaintances. The fact that she had gotten so caught up in the burning of autumn was rather out of character for the usually reserved black mare, and honestly she had put little thought into what she would do if she came across the roan stallion again. Having a daughter that clearly looked like him had caused the thought to cross her mind a little more than usual, but she was still completely unprepared for them to cross paths today.

    Of course as soon as they make eye contact he is on his way closer, and it’s only his jubilant voice that finally breaks Chryseis’ attention away from the water. The little roan girl suddenly stands up straight, eyeing the stranger with a guarded inquisitiveness. Briseis is watching the stallion now, and there is a glimmer of amusement when the realization washes over his face. No one really expects to meet a new child in the field and immediately realize it’s yours. Today just happens to be his lucky day. Lucky because Briseis has no expectations from him. He was clearly of good character, but her years of solitude made it nearly impassible for her to let anyone in. She’d had no intention of purposely hiding their daughter, but she also didn’t think he cared much for the added responsibility; or the strain it might cause on any real relationship he had with someone else.

    ”Leilan,” she greets him with a quiet smile, only her eyes glimmering with how entertaining she found the situation. ”I didn’t expect to run into you here.”

    With large brown eyes Chryseis is watching him, since it was rare that her mother spoke to anyone at all. She wasn’t like that. She wanted to talk to everyone, but her mother remained adamant that that ‘wasn’t a good idea’. Now that they were standing before someone that it appeared she was allowed to talk to, she wasn’t quite sure what to do with herself. For now, her eyes are focused on the way his mane glitters in the sun, much like the blaze that adorns her delicate face, though she has never seen it. The similarities between their coat colors is lost to her, as is the way her mother is watching them like she’s waiting for something to happen. He lowers his head to her level, and without hesitation she steps forward, touching her tiny muzzle to his and responding in her small, girlish voice, ”My name is Chryseis,” Blinking her long lashes she beams up at him, noticing the way the water drips from his mane. ”Your mom lets you swim? I think you should have your mom talk to my mom, because I want to get in the water and she won’t let me.” Because obviously that would be the solution to her problem.

    With a somewhat exasperated sigh Briseis tugs at the curly locks of her daughters mane. ”You’re not getting in this part of the river.” Much in the same way she spoke to everyone else, Briseis had a way of being abruptly to the point. But she is distracted, having been mulling over what she was going to do ever since she saw him a few minutes ago. Her gaze settles on Leilan again, and she can see the way he looks at Chryseis - can almost hear the unfinished thoughts in his head. Hesitantly, she looks down at the little roan girl with the metallic gold blaze, and then back at the roan stallion with the metallic gold mane, before finally saying, ”Chryseis, this is actually your father. He lives in a different part of Beqanna.”

    Furrowing her little brow, Chryseis seems to ponder this new information. She looks up at the stallion searchingly, the small wheels of her mind turning. She takes a step towards him again, peering up at him, her dark brown eyes staring directly into his. ”Dad....” she trails off for a moment, seeming to test the word on her tongue, before continuing with, ”...will you please tell mom to let me get in the river?” And with that she turns to sidle alongside the stallion, proudly smiling at Briseis, who doesn’t seem the least bit surprised by this turn of events.

    you’re ripped at every edge but you’re a masterpiece


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    RE: You’re dripping like a saturated sunrise, Leilan - by Briseis - 07-31-2018, 04:33 PM

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