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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Whose afraid of the big bad wolf? [Any]

    It had been awhile since the blue steed had ventured to the field. Previously his expeditions had proven successful with recruits of both friendship and standing. Today, he hoped, would fair similarly to his past visits. Unfortunately the trek to the field felt more foreign than familiar. Something about the sun soaked path appeared different, unholy. The more he walked, the more he traveled, the more the pit in his stomach turned heavy and solid. His instincts were taking control and picking at his brain- they were warning him of a threat ahead. Once he solved the puzzle of emotions and tremors his gentle walk morphed into a hurried gallop.

    As soon as Jason reached the field he scanned it quickly for something- something was wrong. It took only a brief moment to catch the glimmer of Rueun sandwiched between two unknown horses. Jason stood steady and still as he analyzed the trio standing a few yards from his position. The stallion was white as snow and ghostly in appearance. His eyes looked swollen with temptation, and his lips damp with desire. Jason watched when the stallion reached out to touch his Reuen- his family member. A naked, primitive sense of protectiveness formed in his gut. As it continued to form and loom heavily above him, he grew irritated at the situation. It wasn’t right nor truly “scary” to take advantage of another.

    Jason let out a heavy huff when he finally stretched from his still placement and approached the group. It was then that he finally noticed the painted mare. It didn’t take long for him to seek out a speck of information from her mind. She was Straia, queen of the Chamber. Jason nodded toward her. He was familiar with her distinguished son, Erebor. ”Hello all” He said as he made his way to stand between Reuen and the crazed stallion. He shifted and pressed his body sweetly against his kingdom sister.
    magical son of eol and ashling


    Messages In This Thread
    Whose afraid of the big bad wolf? [Any] - by Gryffen - 07-18-2015, 10:26 PM
    Whose afraid of the big bad wolf? - by Gryffen - 07-20-2015, 11:02 PM
    RE: Whose afraid of the big bad wolf? [Any] - by Jason - 07-21-2015, 10:22 AM
    RE: Whose afraid of the big bad wolf? - by Gryffen - 07-21-2015, 10:54 AM

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