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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    our demons are all around us; rodrik

    She was the only thing he had ever needed.

    The crown of power could not satisfy him. The bloodshed of others could not sustain him. The darkness within him could to fill him.

    It was only her that he could entirely feel complete. The very essence of her consumed him from the first day he had laid his eyes on her and until this very moment. Their love and loyalty was unspoken, but it was unbreakable no matter the distance or time.

    They are both creatures of hardness and ferocity. Neither needing the flowery declarations of love, but simply of who they both all. Equally they have both come to accept each other for who they are, their demons and angels. No matter the price, no matter the sacrifice that would be required.

    He inhales the scent of her mane, tasting the smell that marks her and only her. It could almost be a dream that she is her, a ghost from his past coming to haunt him again. The darkness was a devilish thing. It knew how to play its tricks on him. And it did gladly without care or reason.

    But she is not a ghost.

    She is simply her, and real as thing as she has been before.

    Her touch is more welcoming than he can fathom. There are no words to describe the way he has missed her. It is only by his touch as he traces the outline of her neck up to her own jawline that craves her more than anything he has ever been offered in his entire lifetime. Her voice is sweeter than anything he has ever heard. It brings him to his very knees, to the very floor of the earth.

    The red devil cannot help but wonder where she had gone. What lands did she see? What people did she meet? What even had brought her back to Beqanna? How could he have let her gone alone?

    It had been senseless for him to even not considering going with her previously. He could have left the darkness of it all within Beqanna. Leaving everything he had known was more than enough as long as he had Brunhild by his side. He needed to remember that, needed to finally realize without her he was nothing.

    “I will follow you wherever you go,” he says firmly, pressing his head against her own and closing his eyes.

    She presses into him then. He already knows the weight that she cares. The years apart have been heavy, but he cannot let her fall back into the darkness, to lock away it all again just as she had before. This time, he would not let her leave without him. This time he would be there—he would always be there at her side.

    He doesn’t miss her next words, despite how soft she speaks them. “I missed you too,” he whispers back to her, pressing himself closer into her.
    character info: here | character reference: here | image © rostyslav zagornov


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    RE: our demons are all around us; rodrik - by Rodrik - 09-03-2018, 08:27 PM

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