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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    well hi there!
    Hello all! I am so sorry to have been away for so long. A TON has happened since I've been gone. Ray and I have moved into a house, with a YARD (my dogs are so happy). We got MARRIED! Beautiful wedding that I couldn't have dreamed any better. I have accepted a position to return to the veterinary field, which I start with in two weeks! Very excited. This clinic I'll be working for services a lot of exotics along with cats and dogs, so I'm super excited to get experience working with those. ANYways, it's been a lot. But I'm especially looking forward to leaving the retail world again. With all its stresses and awful work schedule. That being said! I want to come back! Can't promise I will be super active, because a big change with this job is coming and I gotta get settled in to how everything is gonna go there, but consider me back and ready to rumble Smile

    I wanna keep my list small for now, as much as possible lol. We all know how well that goes.
    Here's who I'll be starting back with:

    Simeon: First son of Scortoni. I suppose he's been traveling the world again. He's a wanderer, so it's believable lol. Personality-wise, he's a gentleman with an Italian accent, speaks a little of the language. Would like a love interest. FFS, he's getting old and needs a sweetheart lol. Or at least some friends, in the meantime.

    Zoryn: My twisted boy. He's a mess. Probably will only be playing him with Dovev and Disastardly, and kids for a while. May be open to plots with others, depending.

    Dizorien: Daughter of Dizzy x Dovev, twin to Zynistra who is daughter of Dizzy x Zoryn. Yep. That's a thing. That we love. XD She hasn't been played yet, but is sassy and mischievous. Also has wings and can shrink herself, hehe. Open to all the things with her. She needs development.

    Smidgen: My sweet, tiny girl. Just before I went on hiatus, she was gifted with fairy wings and sparkles <3333 She is precious to me and needs to be played with ALL the friends. Everyone is friend.

    Briske: Adorable apricot/black baby girl with cat vision. Twin to Rustle who is peach/black colored. Also, they decidedly adopted Gust, whom is orange/black and a healer. Looove these guys and can't wait to plaaay!

    Let me know if you would like a thread with any of these! Excited to be back!
    Simeon - Malyk - Navarro - Idina - Reilly - Triske - Pesky - Smidgen - Zoryn - Briske - Amara - Shona - Damali - Benjemin - Juciphena - Neal - Tatum - Skyfire - Dizorien - Badden - Rokja - Zavage - Silke

    Messages In This Thread
    well hi there! - by AbbyNormal - 09-09-2018, 09:40 PM
    RE: well hi there! - by Vanilla Custard - 09-10-2018, 03:00 AM
    RE: well hi there! - by ~Sapphire~ - 09-10-2018, 03:27 AM
    RE: well hi there! - by AbbyNormal - 09-10-2018, 11:38 PM
    RE: well hi there! - by Sid - 09-11-2018, 12:33 AM
    RE: well hi there! - by AbbyNormal - 09-12-2018, 09:07 PM
    RE: well hi there! - by devin - 09-12-2018, 09:15 PM
    RE: well hi there! - by Vanilla Custard - 09-13-2018, 05:54 AM
    RE: well hi there! - by AbbyNormal - 09-13-2018, 08:44 PM

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