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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [mature]  I can be your heartache, you can be my shame
    just a bit of a surprise.

    Heehee, this was so goddamn perfect. He couldn't have reacted better if he tried. She almost lost it several times with each grumpy word he spat. No kissing? Surely he didn't know what he was saying. Kisses are nice. He would see. 

    Then she's dancing along his skin and playing in his hair, and his response is the absolute best. All twitchy and fussy. She decided quickly that she enjoys driving him wild. He just didn't understand. Oh! Then he's doing this shake thing that starts at his head and goes all the way down his body. 

    She snickers because she can't fucking help it anymore, hovering over him until he comes out of it and resettles his wings down against his luscious sides. That's when she lands on his head and tickles his ear and- oop!- flies off him as he violently jerks and dives his head down to rub on his leg. Priceless. 

    Her grin is as wide as it's ever been able to reach on her face, eyes twinkling as she returns to his withers to rest. Only for a moment, she lingers there to watch her sister sneaking in little touches here and there. There is this buzzing along her skin, anticipation for what's to come. 

    And that's when the beautiful boy reaches around to snap at her. Squealing with delight, she leaps up and beats her wings to aid in dodging those gigantic teeth, then dives at him to boop him on the nose when he chomps at her again. Taking the momentum of bouncing off him, she giggles as she spins in the air to land back on his wither. Her smile, while tiny, is spread wide and she blinks sweetly up as he glares down at her, realizing what she is. 

    Zynnie comes to press her face to his neck, reprimanding him for biting at her teeny self. Zoe's smile turns wicked to match her sister's when she suggests biting could actually be good, though. Just not when the force of it could seriously kill her. She worries not, having the confidence to dodge him. See, she's quite fast when exponentially smaller. Them being so much larger made tracking movement slower and easier to see coming. But the idea of him biting her for real sends these odd tingles through her belly, and perhaps deeper. Sparks of curiosity, perhaps.

    Ah, then Zyn is stealing a kiss at his jawline and Zoe realizes she hasn't tasted him yet herself. This simply would not do. So while her lovely twin presumably snags his attention in front, Zo finally leaves the boy's back. Slow and quiet she returns to her natural size with wings now tucked against her, out beside and a bit behind him so that perhaps he doesn't see quite yet. Once through, she sidles up next to him- not quite touching yet- and gazes along his body. 

    Blissful look on her face and amusement lighting her eyes, she then moves to stroke one of those gorgeous wings. Right along the bone where she, herself, knew felt quite nice. Echoes of the sensation travel along her own. "You're really too handsome to be so grumpy, you know." More of a statement than a question, her voice like silk. Softly nibbling along his dark blue feathers, her eyes flash bright to catch any kind of reaction.


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    RE: I can be your heartache, you can be my shame - by Dizorien - 09-23-2018, 11:58 AM

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