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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    The beginning of a life, and the ending of another - Birthing, any

    It might have been the deliverance of his name that started the slide.  Or the sudden shift in emotions of the past from guilt plagued sadness to one of purest love.  Or both.

    Regardless, something happened to jolt her steadfast footing and she was caught entirely unprepared.  She might chide herself later for not seeing it coming and readying herself for the onslaught; in the end, it would be a lesson learned, one that she would easily recall for times much later.  But today she is caught off guard, with little opportunity to try to catch herself before her own thoughts slip accidentally into the memories of Roseen's most prominent.

    A few seconds, a minute even maybe pass before Breckin finds herself within the rolling chaos, clutching at the sides of the pools of the past experiences with a weak grasp.  Internally, she heaves and forces herself out of the sticky darkness, raising herself once more into the thinner brambles of her own thoughts.  Outwardly, she is visibly wilting beneath the mantle of understanding, raising her head upward to stare dismally at the pale sky, breathing steadily and recollecting that last tendrils of lingering thoughts with practiced tenderness.

    Suspicions were one thing, certainty was another.

    Dropping her gaze back down towards the mother and newborn, her eyes settle over the child, seeing in a fresh light the inheritance of solidity and strength of whose blood she now knew ran through him, along with Roseen's.  Standing in quiet consideration, she thumbs over the implications, the possibilities, the potential outcomes, her own feelings...her own feelings.  The smile she'd worn had long since faded to nothing, the line of her mouth drawn flat until now when the corners dive into a shallow frown.  Barely there, it hardly shows, not unlike the willingness to get caught up in her own strangely conflicting emotions right now; the willingness is barely there.  No allowance for self-indulgence, the leopard mare buried the poignant feelings so devastatingly her own in the wake of duty's concrete motives.  There would be time later to deal with herself, in the voided privacy of her own making, ever striving for the illusion of wholesome calibration.  Just not now.

    Not now.

    Nalia's light voice snaps Breckin back to the present, allowing the fallen smile to resume its rightful place upon her dark lips.  "- have you stay with us." she'd spoken softly, encouraging the vibrant filly with dark eyes formed by earnest warmth, finishing off the fledgling sentence with a slow nod of affirmation.  "You're welcome to be a part of Nerine's kingdom if you'd like to.  I'm entirely biased, but I always thought you'd fit in well here better than anywhere else."   With that her smile grows a bit brighter, the deepness of her eyes fixating on the new mother.  

    But if she were to stay, there would be something else that needed to be addressed entirely.  A certain stallion now roamed Nerine's coast frequently, often keeping the Leviathan queen company whenever she craved certain respite.  Someone who needed to know about this child, just as Roseen needed to know that this someone was often around.  Who knew what would come of it, but it had to happen for the sake of progress.  Better now then later, force the possible tension to a head and deal with what would come next.  She was entirely too wary of secrets and sidestepping now, history had only taught her worse was to come if you try to avoid the inevitable.

    "Please stay here for a moment, there's something I must do.  I'm sure Nalia won't mind keeping you company until I return."   With that she turned away, brushing her muzzle along the painted filly's downy wing as she passed in reassurance, heading deeper into Nerine's waiting heart.

    And when Breckin finally returned to the waiting pair, she was not alone.


    call me forward when the crown falls

    @[Leilan] @[Roseen] @[Nalia] figured Leilan should reply next, then resume usual order.  let the awkwardness begin.

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    RE: The beginning of a life, and the ending of another - Birthing, any - by Breckin - 09-25-2018, 11:12 AM

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