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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    The beginning of a life, and the ending of another - Birthing, any

      Nalia seemed eager to allow Roseen and her foal to stay in Nerine, being the first to speak. Yet she stopped herself short, allowing Breckin to finish what she was saying. The sooty bay was still unaware that the leopard-spotted mare had become Queen of the Kingdom, so it seemed odd to her at first that the excited filly would stop mid-sentence. It never occurred to her that permission was needed first by the Queen. Either way, gaining approval from the two made the new mother smile. She dipped her head sincerely, speaking her words of gratitude, “I can’t thank you enough. One of these days I will have to pay you back.” Though the filly and mare may not have thought they had done much to deserve something in return more than a few grateful words, Roseen felt entirely different. Letting her stay in Nerine meant everything to her; it meant she didn’t have to continue traveling in search of a new home. Only this time, she had a newborn foal that wouldn’t be able to handle walking a great distance. She wasn’t yet sure whether she intended on staying in Nerine for good, but Thorgal would be safe until he was able to walk a great distance, in case she ever needed to leave Nerine.

    Breckin’s odd behavior quickly caught the attention of Roseen. She wasn’t smart enough to tell what had caused her to look so upset suddenly, but she had a hunch. The spotted mare took her leave out of nowhere, only quickly saying she’d return before dashing off. For a moment Roseen was stunned, the confusion in her mind reflecting in her eyes before it switched to melancholy. Though her smile remained, albeit forced, she gazed down upon her foal. The more she looked at him the more she could see how he resembled his father. Perhaps Breckin could see that as well. But Roseen couldn’t blame her. The other mare had known Leilan far longer than Roseen, and also seemed to have romantic feelings towards him. Er, she at least knew he felt that way about Breckin. It was expected of her to recognize one of his foals because of how well she knew him. And, Roseen found it understandable if the mare didn’t return. Perhaps she felt too hurt to see his foal, born by another mare. Well, at least one of his foals. She had every right to be angry with Roseen and avoid her. She wouldn’t even be surprised if she decided to not let them stay in Nerine. She wouldn’t be surprised if she hated Roseen from now on. 

    She closed her eyes for a heartbeat. Honestly, she felt too numb at the moment to care whether Breckin hated her. She deserved every bit of it. But she would only allow such treatment to be placed upon herself. If Breckin, or anyone on that matter, ever mistreated her foal, and held something against him because of something he never did, she wouldn’t stand for it. The very notion made her angry. 

    Nalia finally spoke, breaking her thoughts and pulling her back to her current situation. Opening her eyes, she glanced ahead to see that Nalia was still keeping her distance. She wasn’t sure why, but it didn’t necessarily bother her. She figured the filly was just trying to be polite and give Roseen some space. Maybe. Smiling softly, she replied, “Thank you.” Roseen lowered her head to gently nudge him lovingly. He really was beautiful. Surely he’d grow to be just as handsome as his father. She didn’t mind really, so long as he used his looks properly instead of deceiving foolish mares like her to fall for him. Honest, loyal, kind, respectful; the perfect little gentleman. That’s how she would raise him. With a gentle kiss to his forehead, she added, “I got his name from someone I once knew in the herd I was raised in. They were a dear friend of mine for a time, until we parted ways.” She intentionally avoided saying her father had thrown her out of the herd, simply because she didn’t want to talk about it. But remembering her friend was always nice.

    After a while, Breckin surprisingly returned. Honestly, Roseen hadn’t expected her to. And even if she did, she most certainly wasn’t expecting her to come with Leilan. Her heart dropped at the sight of the stallion, eyes widening like the full moon, breath catching in her throat. Why...why was he there? Did Brecking go retrieve him? Why? Why? Obviously she knew Thorgal was his; this was no doubt proof of that. But...Roseen just couldn’t understand why.

    He seemed just as shocked as Roseen imagined she might be looking. Her brain was wracking too much for her to notice Nalia standing between her and Leilan protectively. She hadn’t told him who the father was when they met at the River. She didn’t want him to know, for fear of hurting Breckin. But, now they both knew. Her secret was out. Had they come to scorn her? Was Breckin angry for what Roseen had done? And Leilan...was he angry because the foal was his? Perhaps he didn’t want another one. Surely he had plenty already. Thorgal must’ve been a mistake in his eyes. She must’ve been a mistake.

    She wasn’t thinking clearly anymore. Her sudden fear and guilt returning to make her jump to conclusions. Surely if he was so angry, he wouldn’t share the same look of bewilderment that she wore. No, there had to be another reason why he was there. Her ears laid back almost out of hostility, head lowering as her eyes locked onto her foal and refused to meet Leilan’s. This was too soon. She couldn’t talk to him. Barely had she any time to even temporarily forget the pain he had caused her. This...she just wasn’t ready yet. Her feelings were too conflicted for her to gather her thoughts. She’d be surprised if she managed to hold a conversation.

    He asked the very question that now burned in her mind, ‘Why’? But she didn’t answer. The ever growing lump in her throat stole her voice from her as her heart beat quicker and quicker in a painful way. He didn’t finish his question, and briefly she was relieved, hoping she wouldn’t have to talk. But that relief came too quickly, for he replaced his previous question with another.

    Trying hard not to stutter over her own words, she tried to give him an answer. However, the painful lump in her throat made her voice ghostly, barely audible. “Thorgal...” pausing briefly, she took in a quivering breath to steady her nerves that became more and more unsettled the longer Leilan stood there. Fortunately, she managed to strengthen her voice, even just a little. “His name is Thorgal,” she repeated, in case he hadn’t heard the first time. And as if in response, her foal’s ears lifted to stand high, his dark eyes turning upward to look at her distraught face. 

    She hoped this would be over soon. It was just...too painful right now.

    even if you feel all alone, it can’t rain everyday, it don’t rain forever

    @[Breckin] @[Nalia] @[Leilan] If no one wants me to post next with Thorgal, just let me know and y’all can go ahead and post :3

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    RE: The beginning of a life, and the ending of another - Birthing, any - by Roseen - 09-26-2018, 08:39 PM

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