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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Here’s to the lives that you’re gonna change - Chryseis, family


    Despite the chaos of the last year and a half (since Blue's conception), summer seemed to cleanse the world and present it anew to its worn travelers. With the ever growing curiosity of her monthling daughter, adventures never ceased to be found, though the little roan knew when to and when not to push her mother into those sorts of things. Something about being a magician's daughter made her admittedly keen-minded... Go figure that an intellectually breathtaking child would be Brennen's. Not that her other's weren't too, but one had to admit that when looking at the likes of Leilan and Noori and Kaida and Sarkis, well...

    Glad to see that I wasn't on that list, Mother, came Ea's voice. But speaking of the first person on that list, you've got visitors.


    "Come Blue, I think there are some people on the border who would like to meet you."

    Without having to ask again, the mother lead her infant daughter through the pine forests and out to the southern border, the only one by which any travelers came. Blue knew the trail well from their many trips to Ischia to see her father - not that the trips were solely for her benefit, but she did not need to know that - but she did not push too far ahead from her mother, knowing that losing sight of the girl made Scorch anxious. When the daughter before last disappeared at birth, one tends to get a little over possessive. Can you blame her?

    As the forest broke around them, three figures made themselves apparent not far east from where they stood atop a slight hill. Nuzzling Blue's little rump, Scorch nickered under her breath and cantered down the slight decline, keeping her pace collected such that small daughter could easily keep up. Before long, they pulled up before the newcomers, breathless and gleaming gently beneath the summer sun.

    "Hello indeed ye many travelers," Scorch said, not having to fake her good mood as she tossed a wolfish grin to Leilan, stepping closer to him to briefly embrace her youngest son. "Allow me to introduce my daughter, Blue." Scorch looked at the filly affectionately, before gesturing to each other person in turn. "This is your brother Leilan, and these, I'm assuming, are your cousins. What are your names, children?" She turned to them now, not having caught their most recent exchange (and how gladly too, for they wouldn't have liked the speech she had prepared for just such a fight. Ten kids necessitates having one scripted).

    It was then that she noticed the vibrant pink flowers clasped between the filly's lips in quite the dutiful fashion, and Scorch couldn't help the laughing smile that tugged at her lips. "If you've brought that for me, sweet one, I'm sadly without hair to host its beauty. But perhaps Blue will accept it." She shook out her non-existent mane to prove her point, then glanced down to Blue to see if she agreed, before back up to Leilan with a hopeful smile. They'd still left off on uncertain terms when last they spoke... For once, she just wanted to let things be okay.


    Once Khaleesi of the Amazon Jungle

    [Image: scorch2.png]

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    RE: Here’s to the lives that you’re gonna change - Chryseis, family - by Scorch - 10-13-2018, 12:30 AM

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