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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Here’s to the lives that you’re gonna change - Chryseis, family

    a dragon who couldn't be hurt on the outside
    could have so many ragged holes inside
    Wasn't she adorable? When she didn't start about the Kelpies again, at least. Chryseis had that way about her, was sweet and innocent to everybody. She'd adored Breckin even when the mare must have had a hard time even looking at her, and had decided on her own that she would bring her a flower like she'd received but that must have been... how long ago? 6 months? More?

    And of course, her 'mysterious' grandmother should have the second, in this girl's mind. Well, he just hadn't had the heart to tell her that Scorch couldn't wear a flower probably, but maybe the gesture was enough on it's own and his mother would just have to find a way. Truth was, it wasn't exactly his problem to deal with the whereabouts of a flower-gift, and neither was it Chryseis'; it was for the receiver to decide what to do with it.

    When she starts about Kelpies, the scaled roan opens his mouth to deny this, but shuts it at the arrival of his bay roan sun. The winged boy seemed to be on his own; too bad, he mused, he's quite sure Jenova would have liked to meet Chryseis too. But he supposed that she also deserved some alone-time, since she was the one having to deal with their angel-like boy all the time.

    Only in appearance, though. Good grief, he's here for a mere heartbeat and he already challenges his sister. But Leilan's not completely an idiot, like he pretends to be (and has apparently convinced his mother of, also). He just refuses to put his brain to use when there's something mundane and boring involved; and only turns it to use to come up with a good joke. Or divert the children's attentions; a relatively new thing. "You're my favourite pegasus. Chryseis is my favourite daughter. Your brohter Thorgal is my favourite silver-maned son. But on the whole..." he narrows his eyes at the blue-and-gold-maned kid. "You've just lost ten points for calling yourself favourite in front of another favourite. Your sister, on the other hand, gets ten points for each gift she brought, so that's twenty..." as if calculating, he grins at Ophanim and then tugs his forelock. "You'd have to make up for that if you want to be favourite again."

    Looking from one to another, he nods to them. "Chryseis, this is one of your little brothers, his name is Ophanim. But please call him Ophie instead. Ophanim, your older sister, Chryseis." There, that should answer their questions. For a while. Or encourage bickering over the point system he'd invented. Whatever kept them busy.

    Looking up at the arrival of a new smell, it seems his mother has found them, though she must have missed out on the introductions. She didn't, however, ask him for their names but instead asked the children, giving them a sense of self-value no doubt. Then again, Blue was her eleventh child, so if she was really bad at being a mother, then she had learnt absolutely nothing over the years, which was near-impossible, even for her... a smile stirred halfway on his face, focusing on Blue instead. Let Scorch deal with her lack of hair.

    His little sister is no doubt adorable, much like Chryseis herself. He doesn't think that's going to be an issue, but out of the blue, she asks him a question, and he tilts his head at her. With a flashing green-eyed grin, he shrugs. "I'm a lot of things - but I bet all your other brothers are boring compared to me." After all, they'd be Brennen's kids, and Brennen was a pretty serious guy all-in-all; his kids would probably be more playful than him, but none of them would likely take it as far as Leilan (though, perhaps, nobody in the world ever, did).

    Looking over the three kids, all in all he can't help but wonder what Roseen would think; it's possible she'd find this prove of whatever-exactly she thought him to be. So, when Thorgal joins them, he first looks to see if the bay mare is following (to take him away again from this awful side of the family) but when she doesn't show, he beams at the little silver bay. "Thorgal! Come join us."

    He hasn't missed out on the white form in the distance though. Lowering his head to the children, hoping Scorch won't intervene (in time), he looks them in the eye. "There's Breckin. We do not annoy the Breckin." But, as an afterthought: "But the first one to tell me how many spots she has exactly wins fifty points on the favourite-scale. Just be gentle about it."
    HTML by Vanilla Custard, picture by x-celebri-x on deviantart

    Unfortunately, 5 people is the max which we can tag at the same time.
    If you could tag whoever comes after you, that would be great!
    Two things I know I can make: pretty kids, and people mad.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: Here’s to the lives that you’re gonna change - Chryseis, family - by Leilan - 10-18-2018, 12:44 PM

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