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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    One foot toward the gallows || Breckin, Vulgaris ||
    She'd already prepared herself for a situation like this.  Or perhaps the plural form of 'situation' might be best, considering the fact that two of the moments she had statistically foreseen appeared to be presenting themselves simultaneously.  One of those moments being when Leilan would infiltrate a reception of kingdom visitors along the border, the other being when an odd clash of her past and present personal relations would intermix.  For as much mental preparation as she had managed to compose, it hardly bore influence to the way her shallow grin falters before she regains its upturned curvature. 

    The leopard mare waits amidst the quick banter between the men, taking the precious few seconds it gave her to recollect her expression into something more neutral.  It's not difficult to surmise that her best mask of diplomacy will be necessary when the rotation of her pale ears pick up on Wolfbane's words.  Breckin nods once in silent agreement, acknowledging his admission of their kingdom's contracted cooperation before her attention shifts towards his serpentine comrade, patiently awaiting his explanation.  There's an inquisitiveness in the way she regards him, curious to potentially learn of the reasoning behind this manhunt, and why they sought an audience with Nerine's representatives over the matter.

    Whatever he begins to say never quite leaves his mouth when their meeting gains yet another body and her dark gaze turns with a tilt of a questioning brow when Heartfire draws up beside her.  She'd only recently come to learn that the Lord of Loess and the veteran Leviathan were directly related, and her sudden appearance did little to stifle the spotted woman's rapidly growing intrigue.  But the white laced mare's solemn statement turns Breckin's expression stoic in the tense silence behind it.

    Not a diplomat then, she thinks to herself without humor when Vulgaris takes the opportunity to speak his piece, watching with little more than a phlegmatic stare as he steps closer, imparting a promise of ill-intent.   She could appreciate his directness with what he desired, but that was the only commendable aspect she could interpret, ultimately unimpressed with his incapability to control the rise of his overriding emotions.

    "Nerine's," she says flatly, stated with nothing more than the obvious fact that it was when Vulgaris questions whose protection the blue roan mare lies under.   It was not a matter of doubt regarding the other mare's ability to defend herself and those she deemed hers, but a matter of a significant allegiance.  Heartfire had been amongst the Amazons and their legacy for far longer than Breckin could admit to and the Leviathan queen would be bloody damned if the modern matriarchal society would turn its back on a member with such a degree of loyalty.  

    "Forgive my blatant ignorance, but would someone please be so kind as to enlighten me on the circumstances surrounding the hostility towards this Dovev so that we might be able to discuss a more appropriate medium for Loess to use for its redecorating purposes?"  There's no humor in her tone or the dark set of her eyes when her gaze moves from Vulgaris to Wolfbane in search of that odd green hue of his, unable to prevent herself from wondering if there would be a way to peacefully settle whatever this was.

    @[Leilan] @[Wolfbane] @[Heartfire] @[vulgaris]

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    RE: One foot toward the gallows || Breckin, Vulgaris || - by Breckin - 10-21-2018, 04:30 PM

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