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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Sweetheart turned Sour tart || Any/Open ||
    { and in my dreams I've kissed your lips a thousand times }

    As Adria's eyes drift thoughtfully to Panthera, I try not to smile; her interest shows quite clearly in the gorgeous lines of her face, curiosity absolutely becoming of her. The wildcat at my side sits up from her haunches upon being examined, alert in the presence of one so inquisitive; stepping forward, the cat stretches herself up - which she needn't do very much considering she is seven hands tall, only two hands shorter than my children when they were newborn - and exchanges breath with the mare, if she would allow her to.

    Retreating, Panthera looks to the stallion, but finding that he shows no interest in her, settles herself in the center of their gathering. A soft purr hums between them all, music for their chat.

    "Please," I chuckle when she thanks me with my title. "Kagerus will do."

    But that is the last comfortable phrase I hear from the woman, as her disposition changes completely with the further approach of the stallion. Still, I admire her beauty from the corner of my eye, not immune to the charms that come with her enhanced features; but my gaze has no weight behind it, and I next focus on the way her words tighten in greeting the pale man. He, being more sensitive than most of his sex, shifts his weight closer to me and away from the shy nereid; I cock an appraising brow at this, but revert my attention when Adria answers.

    "Hyaline is home to any who need her, and indeed, I would be pleased to have one such as you within our borders. It is a safe place for the soft and kind-hearted, here. I think you will like it very much." I offer these words with a kind and genuine smile, hoping to put the buckskin girl at ease with my soothing voice.

    The stallion speaks then, and I am more than happy to shift my weight and to hear his thoughts. Litotes, he introduces himself as; I lower my crowned head in greeting at this, a small smile woven upon the dark creases of my lips. When he mentions my only daughter however, the expression becomes far more intrigued before blossoming into an outright grin. Ah, Warlight - she would do such a thing as seduce a male stranger into living here, with her girlish and far too knowing ways. I wonder if he draws the conclusion of our relation before I admit it out-loud; after all, she is my perfect doppelganger.

    "You have met my daughter then, Litotes. Princess Warlight is quite the outgoing one - I hope she didn't scare you off with her vivacious ways." Chuckling softly, I gently shake out my neck, undoing some knots which had found their way into the black tresses of my mane. Then, looking from Litotes to Adria, I go on to ask: "Have you any questions? I'm happy to answer. Otherwise, I'll have to warn you that winters in Hyaline are the harshest in Beqanna, except perhaps in Nerine where they have no mountains to shield them from the coastal winds. I hope that shan't deter you two; I quite like you both."

    @[Adria] @[Litotes]
    [Image: kag]

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    RE: Sweetheart turned Sour tart || Any/Open || - by Kagerus - 10-26-2018, 09:22 PM

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