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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    And the momerathes outgrabe [any]
    and when I breathed, my breath was lightning
    Rhy had gotten rather lucky that her parents had decided to fall in love with someone with a name so similar to the other. Riagan and Rayelle. Rhy is the condensed version of the two. At least, of their names. In some ways, she is the product of the two of them. Of Rayelle’s sunshine and Riagan’s patience. But she’d spent less barely a year with her parents before they left, and in the end, Rhy became mostly a product of herself and the Jungle. Neither of her parents were traited, let alone quite sure what to do with an electric daughter. She wasn’t born with her other gifts. Probably a good thing. Her parents might have been outmatched then.

    But the girl answers her question about her own mother, and Rhy smiles a bit more. “She would say that,” she chuckles. Scorch had one heck of a mouth, even around her own children. There were no filters on their Khaleesi. Though that was a pretty tame comment for Scorch. “Your mother is one of my best friends.” Rhy didn’t have very many of them. There were the Sisters, certainly. But Rhy only really considered herself close to Scorch and Lagertha. Close enough to tell personal stories. Close enough to tell each of them about finding her parents dead. She hadn’t told very many others that little fact. Not even her sister, though she needed to. She would. It just wasn’t a conversation she was looking forward to.

    But Rhy doesn’t have time to think about it. Sarkis is already bounding off to the flower, and Rhy follows with an amused smile on her face. Had she been that energetic? Probably, but she had to pretend to not be. When she was a child, if she got too excited, she tended to shock anything within a few feet of her. What would life had been like if she could have run and play? So very different, she imagines.

    The flower is a beautiful one, and Rhy leans down just a bit to sniff. It’s a beautiful smell, though one that certainly tickles the nose and Rhy laughs. “I can see why this one makes you sneeze.”


    the electric lioness of riagan and rayelle

    character reference here  | character info here

    Messages In This Thread
    And the momerathes outgrabe [any] - by Sarkis - 07-07-2015, 10:46 PM
    RE: And the momerathes outgrabe [any] - by Rhy - 07-10-2015, 08:09 AM
    RE: And the momerathes outgrabe [any] - by Sarkis - 07-10-2015, 05:08 PM
    RE: And the momerathes outgrabe [any] - by Rhy - 07-15-2015, 12:45 PM
    RE: And the momerathes outgrabe [any] - by Sarkis - 07-17-2015, 09:51 PM
    RE: And the momerathes outgrabe [any] - by Rhy - 07-20-2015, 09:50 AM
    RE: And the momerathes outgrabe [any] - by Sarkis - 07-23-2015, 10:57 PM
    RE: And the momerathes outgrabe [any] - by Rhy - 07-29-2015, 07:51 AM
    RE: And the momerathes outgrabe [any] - by Sarkis - 08-09-2015, 08:52 AM
    RE: And the momerathes outgrabe [any] - by Rhy - 08-18-2015, 12:00 PM

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