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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  i'll be your reason to fight; daddy
    Defy was still a little mad at Mom. He grumbled and stomped and huffed out pouty little silent snorts of irritation as they followed the River north toward the big dumb mountain in the distance, heading toward (but not going to) Pangea to see if Daddy had gone to play murder with the rest of the world while Defy got left out ‘cause Momma wouldn’t let him. 

    Ugh. She’d tricked him good, too, talked him sideways into agreeing he didn’t wanna kill somebody just ‘cause somebody told him to. ‘Course that wasn’t just why! He wanted to protect Momma and Daddy too. But she was a sneak and got him all tangled up and thinking NOT joining in was better.

    So mean.

    She made up for it though by letting him take them to go look for Daddy, and some other people she mentioned that he didn’t know. Something about an uncle and some sisters, whatever those were, he didn’t like the sound of them really but Momma seemed to think they were important or some shit. So. He guessed they could look for them too. Since she wanted to. ‘Cause he was basically the nicest and most considerate, even when she was being mean and not letting him murder or nothin’.

    So anyhow they walked toward the big mountain, not ‘cause it was a safe space they could hide or nothin’, ‘cause they weren’t scaredy-hiders. Not ‘til they found Daddy, and Momma didn’t seem to think they’d be able to convince Daddy to hide out anyhow, so Defy wasn’t a hider neither. If Daddy wasn’t scared of no plague, neither was Defy. 

    He huffed out another silent little snort and stomped a couple of steps just for emphasis, spreading out his little baby chick wings like they were all feathered in and big and impressive already even though they weren’t. So dumb how long feathers took to grow. Momma kept tellin’ him they’d come in soon, but it kept being soon and no new feathers, and what if he was stuck with little chicken wings forever? Just little nubby winglets stickin’ out of his back never growin’ feathers and bein’ able to fly, just like...wiggle ‘em an’ point ‘em at shit and omg that would be so embarrassing!

    He clamped them down against his sides and tucked them up small, ducking his head and sulking ‘til Momma brushed her nose against his hip and murmured, “Soon, baby, don’t you worry.” Ugh, she always knew, how’d she do that? He huffed and slowed enough to snuggle up against her side.

    “You promise?” he asked, his voice just a little petulant and suspicious. ‘Cause maybe she was just talking him in circles again and they’d really never grow in.

    “I promise,” she agreed with a little nod and another cozy snuggle. Well. Okay then. If he got snuggles out of it, maybe he could believe her for now. He sighed and rubbed his cheek against her shoulder. She really was the best mom, even if she didn’t let him kill people or have any fun.


    Messages In This Thread
    i'll be your reason to fight; daddy - by Defy - 11-06-2018, 01:17 PM
    RE: i'll be your reason to fight; daddy - by Defy - 11-11-2018, 01:17 PM

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