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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    Icicle Isle Quest: Part 1

    So let your heart, sweet heart
    Be your compass when you're lost

    She had awakened into the nightmare not long ago.

    The sweet slumber she had slept in the last years had quickly crumbled away when she was greeted by the chaos. Her dreams were forgotten, destroyed by the destruction that erupted around her when she stepped out of her haven within the meadow. Many of them ran, screaming about a disease that was spreading and choking all Beqanna.

    A plague.

    Madelyn had heard the story. The reasons why the epidemic came and shook the very core of her homeland. It made her sad when she heard what had happened. The thought of what the plague would due to those within Beqanna teared her apart. Some would live, some would die. Friends and family would be torn apart. She couldn’t bear those thoughts. No one deserved to live a life that was plagued with darkness and sorrow.

    It was her duty to help them. To rid this plague away from Beqanna. So, she answers the calls of the faeries within the mountain.

    The buckskin mare is one of the last ones to arrive. She does not push herself forward to the front, but finds a place within the back of the crowd. Carefully, Madelyn allows her hazel eyes to take in the scenery she sees past the crowd of heads. The faeries stand in a half-circle facing them. Their expressions make it clear they are not happy with the turn of events within Beqanna. She can agree with them on that—she was not happy to hear the news of what has happened either. Beqanna didn’t deserve to be infected with the plague that it was in now.

    Eventually, one of the faeries comes forward. He reminds her of a land long ago, before the past kingdoms fell away. A land of winter wonders, but only the strong could ever survive there. He had the demeanor of the icy tundra by the way he looks too. When the fairy speaks, she listens carefully to each of his words.

    So, they would go to Icicle Isle. One of the new lands that would help break the darkness that was currently spreading across Beqanna. Apparently, a piece of the cure for the plague was there—frozen stems from a heart-shaped pond. Then he is gone with the other faeries in a blink of an eye.

    The journey would not be easy, but she accepts the quest with a full-heart and whatever challenges may come her way. She may not have her gifts that were previously bestowed upon her, but Madelyn does not fret over that. For the most of her life she had lived without such abilities and traits. It would not hinder her journey to Icicle Isle.

    Madelyn does not hesitate to make her way towards the Icicle Isle. It seems neither do others as those who accept the quest also head down the mountain too. While making her way down the mountain, Madelyn knows she must plan for the journey she will take. The route is somewhat familiar to her, but with the changes she isn’t sure how much the land of Beqanna has shifted. She decides it would be best to make her way around Hyaline to the west. She will likely find a path along the Loess border and through the heart of Taiga and close to Nerine to reach Icicle Isle. It was the best plan she could come up with, especially since winter brewed across Beqanna now.

    She makes her way across the abandoned lands of Beqanna. Sometimes she is trotting or cantering on her journey there. Loess is a kingdom Madelyn does not entirely investigate since she makes her way through the kingdom on the eastern border, close to the mountain range that protects Hyaline.

    The buckskin mare meets several others on her journey through Loess towards Taiga. Some of them are making their way to safe havens. Some of them are already infected by the plague. She can hear and see the symptoms of the plague on them. Her heart clenches at the thought of the others being sick. Part of her wants to stop and help them find a safe place to for shelter and someone to heal them, but she knows she cannot stop. She must continue her journey towards the northern isle to rid this plague from Beqanna.

    Eventually, she reaches Taiga. It has always been an empty land from what she has known. The silence of the ancient redwoods is haunting, it almost scares her away. However, she pushes through the silent forest until she reaches the border between Taiga and Nerine. Madelyn follows the edge of the western shore of Nerine until the land pushes out into the ocean further.

    A white land within the distance is barely seen as she reaches the edge of the land. Icicle Isle was just within the horizon of where she stood on the wintery shores of Nerine. It gave her more hope now that she has finally seen the safe haven the faeries brought in order to combat the plague.

    But how was she going to get across?

    Madelyn studies the body of water that is between her and the frozen island. The water is still, almost too still. As if the ocean itself does not have life within it anymore. But she knows there is still life within it. There are dangers within the water, and that is something she must keep in mind.

    The girl then decides to put one hoof into the water. It’s cold, forcing her to pull her hoof out immediately. Madelyn didn’t really like that. No one would, she decides. However, the wintery ocean does not stop her there.

    She takes a deep breath and makes her way into the water.

    Madelyn carefully paces herself as she swims across the ocean towards the island. Sometimes she is swimming at a faster pace to gain greater distance between her and the frozen land. Other times she is treading water to gain her energy back. Treading the water also helps keep her warm within the cold water.

    The closer she gets to Icicle Isle, the more colder the water becomes. At this point she should be shivering to death, but Madelyn doesn’t let herself fall into the ocean and let it take her as a victim. She is determined to reach the snowy shores of the island.

    Within time, she reaches closer to the shore of the island. Madelyn paddles faster, each of her limbs force the water around her to propel her quickly and closer to the shore. Each thrust of her limbs is made with determination. A determination she is not sure she has ever had before until now.

    Madelyn’s hooves are finally met with stiff ground. It brings a sweet, wild smile to her face. It spreads from ear to ear as she moves quickly from the frozen water onto the shore.

    She made it.

    a naïve daughter of emelia & nocturnal
    html © shelbi | character info: here | character reference: here

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