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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    The Secret Side of Me|Dov, twins
    just a bit of a surprise.

    They hid themselves away. After finally leaving the handsome dark blue and pink boy that had rejected them so easily, they had come back looking for Daddy. Then this crazy thing happened that had everyone in a panic. This... wind had swept over everything and invaded all of their nostrils. Some became ill, some had been safe. Some ran for cover, others plotted, others still panicked for a cure. But they stayed put and hid. Her and Zynnie. They'd agreed that mommy or daddy would be a lot more likely to find them if they stayed. And they would find them. Especially Daddy. 

    They didn't know how long they'd wait. Only that they should. They had to. Running around would only make things harder for them, right? Make it more likely they'd end up all nasty and sick like some others had. Zoe doesn't want to be sick. Had never so much as sneezed unless something tickled her nose. She didn't want to show it, because she didn't want to worry her Zynnie, but she is afraid. Days go by, and she is afraid something bad has happened to their parents. That they'd be alone forever. Well, not alone. Beauty of being a twin. But the two of them on their own.. Zoe and her sister liked to sneak away sometimes. It's all good fun. But they always knew Daddy wasn't too far away. That he would always be there to protect them. What if he wasn't, though? Oh, not good thoughts at all.

    Zoe cuddles closer to her lovely sister, tucking the girl to her with one large ravenesque wing. She's so glad she at least has her and isn't completely alone. But she has to be brave. "Won't be much longer. They'll find us. Daddy will come." She whispers to her, black muzzle pressed to her sister's soft grey and white neck. She nuzzles beneath her black hair til she reaches skin, comforting herself with loving touches. Letting doubt into her heart is a mistake, clouding the truth she knows. Her words are true. They have to be. They just have to be.

    She yawns as she wakes to another sunrise. The light peeking through the trees overhead, inching further and chasing away the cold and the dark. The girls remain cuddled together, warm and safe. But as a breeze kisses their cheeks, Zoe feels the need to stretch her legs. "Come on, Zyn. Let's take a little walk." She yawns again, and nudges her sister as she gathers her legs about her and rises from the place they've claimed as their hiding den. A great and languid stretch takes over her whole body, ending with her wings splaying out as far as they can reach and then upward. Quite a bit, they've grown since last seeing their family. And she quite loves the weight of them on her back. Thinks her Daddy might be surprised at how pretty she's becoming. At least in her opinion she's pretty. Zynnie too. Zoe is the same pattern and hue of her momma. But Zynnie is all sooty gray (almost blue in some lights) and white, edged in black and shaping up so nicely. 

    She leads her twin out into the open, offering a wing to her in case she would like to be close, the other tucks to her own side. Toward the trickling river, they walk, to wet their lips. It's here, that the sounds of hooves crunching leaves and twigs reach their ears in the soft air of the morning. Here, that a stranger's voice echoes through the trees. What he says, she doesn't make out, but automatically her heart begins to race. She starts to wonder if they should make a mad dash back to their den, but curiosity has her feet planted to where they stand. Her ears are perked, following the sound of their steps. She sniffs, but they must be downwind. Starry eyes scan the direction she hears them. And then.. Oh. OH.

    "Zynnie, do you see?" Her heart begins to leap in her chest as the two stallions come into view. One, is a terrifying sight. All black and covered in bones that seem to be growing from his skin. Skin that stretches over his form, so thin and sickly. The other is gold and white, thinner than she remembers. Black hair all wirey and glued to his neck. Oh, they're both sick. But it's still him. She stands frozen with the shock of what they'd been waiting for days to come true. "Daddy? Daddy!!" Finally her body lurches into motion. Springing over the width of the river, and splashing when she doesn't make it all the way. She looks for Zynnie to make sure she's okay, and then bee-lines for Zoryn. "Daddy! I knew you'd find us!" And all but attacks him with cuddles.


    Messages In This Thread
    The Secret Side of Me|Dov, twins - by Zoryn - 11-25-2018, 07:04 PM
    RE: The Secret Side of Me|Dov, twins - by Dovev - 11-25-2018, 09:13 PM
    RE: The Secret Side of Me|Dov, twins - by Dizorien - 11-25-2018, 11:18 PM
    RE: The Secret Side of Me|Dov, twins - by Zoryn - 12-10-2018, 12:00 AM

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