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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Reilly, Badden;
    He stays close because he feels he has to. Every time he has strayed too far before, everything he knew was torn away. He misses his mom and sister, deep down, though as time goes on he has trouble remembering what they looked like. He has a new family now. But some strayed, and now they were torn too. Everything changes so quickly in this world. The thing with Taiga, and now this Plague business. Bad business all around. And he just couldn't bare to be completely alone. So he stays close to Reilly and Mama-Lacey.

    Mind you, he could handle himself. He could. He is a trifecta. Though young, he has his mighty horn (not sharp yet, but it was more than a nub now, at least). He has his beautiful wings (more than fledgling now, they have formed real feathers and not just those fuzzy useless things). And he's immortal. He doesn't really know what that one means, but he thinks it means he's freaking awesome. A few times, when trying to learn to fly, he'd wrecked a time or two- give him a break, he is young and there was no one to teach him. Bound to happen. But each time he'd really scraped himself up, he was pretty amazed at how quickly he healed. So yeah, he could handle his own, young or not.

    Didn't mean he wanted to though. Yeah, that was it. He stays with them because he wants to. Thank you very much. Plus, Reilly is a pretty cool guy. He's all huge and has this cool way of speaking. Doesn't care what others think of him. Unless it's Mama-Lacey, at least. He really cares what she thinks. Of him and herself. He thinks that's pretty cool too, maybe. The way Reilly talks her up when she talks herself down. And after the thing with Taiga, he took them to his homeland! Him and Mama-Lacey and Reilly. And boy, was that extra cool! To see a place outside of the only world he'd ever known. Meeting other people who talked like Reilly and carried on. He had trouble understanding them sometimes, but he got away with it because he's young. And Reilly was there to help him figure things out. Super cool.

    They're back now though, and things are so strange. Barely a minute there, and Mama-Lacey says they can't stay. He'd looked forward to coming home. Maybe seeing her other kids. Never mind the sting that comes with the thought that those were her actual kids. Mama-Lacey loves him the same, he thinks. And plus, he felt super special to get to go away with her and Reilly, just them. Kharon, Kylin- twins- and then little Kali. He thinks she's his favorite. So sweet and cute and soft gray and lavender. So lovely. He'd wondered how they all had been doing. Probably fine, off somewhere with their dad, Kirby. At least that would have been better. Come to find out that Kirby and Kharon and Kali had been together. On the magical Mountain, where she had suspended them in time. A few days had been years? Which seemed true for them too. Time away in Ireland with Reilly had been different than time in Beqanna too, apparently. But poor Kylin. Somehow she'd been alone. For years? He can't wrap his head around that. He hadn't been alive for years, so it was fair, right? But wow, Kylin is so much older now. And has two daughters of her own. But they all were supposed to still be kids.. Kharon and Kali, and himself. All still young.. He can't imagine how Kharon feels, being her twin.

    It all hurt his head. Snapping out of his thoughts, he stretches his wings. They are the same reddish gold of his body along the bones, blending into the violet tones of all his primary and secondary feathers that match his points. This spring weather has him wanting to preen them, to itch his horn along the bark of a tree, but for now he follows beside Reilly as they return to where Mama-Lacey stands. He's quiet, for the most part. Nickering up at her in greeting, nuzzling his nose to her shoulder. Then he looks up to the red-headed man as she says she doesn't like it here. Looks around, frowning as he takes in the land they'd be harboring in til dangers pass. Immortal or not, he doesn't really want to be sick. Although he guesses he can see her point. This Island Resort isn't home. He had wanted to be home. But maybe this place doesn't have to be so bad. Long as they're together and nothing else crazy happens.

    Messages In This Thread
    Reilly, Badden; - by Wallace - 11-04-2018, 04:37 PM
    RE: Reilly, Badden; - by Badden - 11-26-2018, 10:37 AM
    RE: Reilly, Badden; - by Reilly - 12-16-2018, 10:20 PM
    RE: Reilly, Badden; - by Wallace - 12-23-2018, 10:09 PM

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