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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  There's Warm, Then There's This [Kove, Any]
    There were times on their short journey towards the volcano where Nalia would take to the skies just to have some fun and stretch her wings, but other times, she would run by the other filly's side, not wanting to flaunt her gift even though she was sure this new friend of hers had some of her own.

    They drew close to the volcano before Kova warned Nalia about potential lava flow, something that had the filly keeping a lookout on high alert. She figured this lava was very dangerous or Kove would not have warned her about it, so she kept her wits about, eyes scanning the terrain to make sure she didn't accidently slip and send herself plummeting into one of the various streams she could see crisscrossing the meadow.

    Again Nalia took to the skies to get a layout of the land when they got close to the volcano's mountain base, for even though a majority of the smoke had by now cleared the filly's lungs weren't accustomed to it and she figured getting higher out of the smoke's reach would do her a favor. For a short moment, it did, but she decided she couldn't keave her friend down there for long. Nalia returned to the ground, tucking her wings in and taking short, quick breaths, to try and help her lungs get accustomed to the foul smell in the air.

    Kova called to the paint filly from off to the left, and Nalia followed, eager to see what her new friend had discovered. Nalia's eyes widened when they came across a rather wide stream of lava flow, the heat rising up and practically singing the tips of Nalia's feathers. She took a step back, seriously considering turning around and that this had been a bad idea. However, before she could say anything, missing Kove's nod, the filly backed up a few steps, then strode forward and leaped across like it was nothing.

    Taking the safe route, Nalia flapped her wings to gain some height, and flew over the lava stream, landing calmly next to Kove when she reached the other side. Glancing nervously back at the flow of lava, trying to ignore the humid feeling in the air and the smoke in her lungs, Nalia glanced to the other filly to see what she had in store next.

    Picking at Nalia's curiosity, Kove asked her if she wanted to see something cool, a twinkle lighting up her eye. Nalia's own widened with excitement, "Of course I do!" she responded enthusiastically, her wings flapping to emphasize her anticipation.


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    RE: There's Warm, Then There's This [Kove, Any] - by Nalia - 11-28-2018, 04:03 AM

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