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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    let my mind be your freedom; Kali/Umbra
    Kharon’s heavy sigh and the way he rested his head on her shoulder were enough to cool her libido some. It clearly wasn't the time for flirting and teasing and testing the edges of their comfort zones, not now. Not when he was so obviously hurting. So she snuggled closer and fussed over his gorgeous hair, brushing a bit off his forehead and pressing a kiss there. She held him a little tighter with her wing, crooning soft little nothings and doing her best to soothe him. She held his sweet baby sister close, safe under the shelter of her wing, and did her best to be a comfort to them in their pain instead of thinking about how damn gorgeous he was or how he made her heart race.

    And that was good too. It still made her feel warm inside, being close to him, to both of them. There hadn’t been anyone who needed her or wanted her like this in her whole life, no one to hold and fuss over and tell everything was gonna be alright, even if she was only saying it with soft touches and her presence. It felt nice, like she belonged somewhere. Maybe just for a few minutes, but it made her heart feel light in her chest, made her feel...not quite so alone.

    Maybe that was unbelievably selfish of her, taking comfort in the way they curled up and cuddled her, in the way they leaned in and accepted her embrace, in the quiet rumbling purr that started as just the soooftest vibration in the chest of the little girl curled up in between them and slowly grew audible. But they felt dangerously like home, something she’d never really felt before. She hadn’t had anyone to cuddle since she was very small, and no one who’d ever sought her out for comfort like this.

    So, deep inside where she didn’t have to feel like a terrible person for it, she let herself savor the closeness, let herself melt into the warmth that bloomed inside her and memorize the feeling. So she could pull it out next time she was lonely and remember what it felt like to not be alone. She didn’t push him to talk when he so clearly needed quiet, just held them both and breathed in their scents and fussed over them both with gentle little touches and kisses.

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    RE: let my mind be your freedom; Kali/Umbra - by Umbra - 12-11-2018, 02:05 PM

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