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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [mature]  thursday waiting for love; Litotes

    for every tyrant, a tear for the vulnerable
    in every lost soul, the bones of a miracle

    Reaching this moment had never been her intention. The blue lake below had called them both, joined them, and she wonders--as he kisses her eyes and trails his lips over her bicolor face--if that were the day they were wed. The lake had sealed them one to the other, and she will forever hold onto the notion that a romance set in those cold waters constitutes a union between two souls. Her feral heart is racing but solidly anchored, her thoughts do not roam beyond the two of them, but rather roll through her mind on a melody that she cannot name.

    A kiss is pressed against the place where he’d placed his teeth, and though she at first craves a similar touch to that claiming bite she is instead gifted this insistent tenderness that fogs her mind and thrills her nerves unexpectedly. Kensa reaches for Lie, her lips leaving a trail of kisses along his neck as he slides along her side.

    She knows he is hers before he can say it, but it’s not just knowing he will follow where she leads anymore, because that was a thing of their childhood. The chestnut has tucked her chin along her own shoulder so that she can watch him (her breath stuttering) as he makes his way down her body. I love you. Her chin lifts, and her topaz eyes are liquid and shifting over the planes of his snowflake marked face. Kensa, I love you. Her dark lips, part, but the silence between them is just a heartbeat too long and Lie dances away from her. His absence is a chill that for the briefest second feels as though it might break everything and in that second she is filled with a desperation that would have made her run after him, begging and promising whatever she must.

    But he returns, presses against her again and sealing away the cold. What she feels then, desire and pride, longing and safety, she doesn’t have all the words for the emotions. Well, almost doesn’t. She twists back into his embrace, curling into him until she slides beneath the shelter of his neck so that she can brush her lips against his and look up at him, admire his beauty and strength as she says, “I love you. I will love you always.” She gives and promises in that breath, and then steps forward just a little further, her heart pounding. She hasn’t taken her eyes from him, and asks him to love her, to possess her without saying another word.

    How does it feel
    To know you're everything I need
    The butterflies in my stomach
    They could bring me to my knees

    How does it feel
    To know you're everything I want
    I've got a hard time saying this
    So I'll sing it in a song

    Oh I adore the way you carry yourself
    With the grace of a thousand angels overhead
    I love the way the galaxy starts to melt
    When we become one

    for every dreamer, a dream. we're unstoppable with something to believe in.

    @[litotes] included the lyrics to the song i listened to for muse when writing this because i am annoying. Big Grin

    Messages In This Thread
    thursday waiting for love; Litotes - by Kensa - 12-12-2018, 11:30 PM
    RE: thursday waiting for love; Litotes - by Kensa - 12-14-2018, 10:46 PM
    RE: thursday waiting for love; Litotes - by Kensa - 12-29-2018, 09:06 PM

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