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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Suddenly confused, I shifted sides [ANY]
    you were a vision in the morning
    when the light came through,
    i know i've only felt religion
    when i've lied with you
    and i'm still waking every morning
    but it's not with you
    Of all the places in her birthland, she has never come to the field. She isn’t sure why, since as a child she had explored almost everywhere else. Perhaps it had just seemed too predictable; nothing exciting or interesting ever happened here. It did not have the vibrancy of the meadow, or the mystery of the forest, or the promise of adventure like the river. It didn’t boast millions of intimate secrets the way all the kingdoms did; secrets that she could spend months searching and still never find them all.

    Today seemed as good a day as any to see what was here. Apart of her still felt lost without Rhaegor, the boy she had spent so much of her young life with. Tephra didn’t feel like home anymore without him, but the idea of going back to Hyaline, where they had been born and where their relationship had sparked, seemed unbearable. She would have to learn how to be in Tephra without him, and she was searching for anything as a distraction.

    She walks through the tall grass, the light of the spring sun warming her back, and she lets a sigh expel from her lips — though the sound is a little despondent, as she takes in the rather desolate land. As she had suspected, it was just a field. The cool breeze lifts and pulls at the thick tangles of black tendrils that cascade the length of her neck, and she shakes her head to cast aside the forelock that framed her youthful face.

    He is bright against the almost barren landscape, and the sight of him almost immediately ignites a spark in her sweet brown eyes. Having always been quite the conversationalist, there is no hesitation in her movements as she walks towards him. With her black lips pulled into a smile, she dips her gold-blazed face as a way of greeting, before offering brightly, “Hi! I’m Chryseis,” For a moment she is pleased at having actually remembered to introduce herself — she had a terrible habit of just launching into conversations with strangers — but she takes a moment to observe him, and realizes that he seemed uneasy. He did not smell like Beqanna; he smelled of the wild, the outside, and instantly she is intrigued. “Are you new here?” She asks, even though she thinks she knows the answer.



    Messages In This Thread
    Suddenly confused, I shifted sides [ANY] - by amenhotep - 03-24-2019, 11:30 AM
    RE: Suddenly confused, I shifted sides [ANY] - by Chryseis - 03-25-2019, 12:28 AM
    RE: Suddenly confused, I shifted sides [ANY] - by amenhotep - 03-26-2019, 12:21 PM

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