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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    You're gonna go far, kid // Any
    Lethy slowed to a trot as she came up on the river bank. She had just met her first and only friend here in this new world. She was filled with excitement as she ran through the open field and across the meadow. The snow had melted away and the vegetation was coming back in full force. The greenness of it all only heightened Lethy's purely happy mood. She had inhaled every scent and color between here and there, taking everything in as if this was all a dream and it would all vanish between strides. 
    Lethy stopped just short of the bank, her front hooves just skimming the water. She dipped her long neck down and drank from the swelling and receding river bank. The cold water shocked her throat as the freshness hit and disappeared.
    She closed her eyes and stretched her face as close to the warming sun as she possibly could. Her buckskin hide glowed in the warm yellow rays of the sun, almost making her look like the oddly colored horses of this land, but she was just an ordinary mare from an ordinary world. Her scar across her muzzle stretched and pulled with every attempt Lethy took to get closer to the warmth. 

    The contrast between the refreshing cold water swirling in her belly and the heat of the welcoming sun took over Lethy's senses as she basked in this new found happy bubble that had evaded her for months after being tossed onto this land. 
    A strong pulse of pain flashed through Lethy's muzzle as she over stretched her scar. Lethy pulled back from the sky and whinnied as she shook her head to rid herself from the constant thrum in her scar. As she tossed her head one last time something sparkled in her vision close the the river bed.
    Her ears cocked towards the figure and proceeded slowly not knowing what waited for her in this new land. 
    She remembered Kensas words that there were some that lived here that were like her, ordinary but there were also others who were not so ordinary but wonderful. but is wonderful good? or would it be better for her to turn and run now.
    As Lethy slowly made her way closer to the small figure on the soft earth she noticed that there were brilliant scales covering the small frame, this is one of those not so ordinary horses, I need to run
    But just as quickly as Lethy thought about turning and running she noticed that the small filly was bleeding and in distress.
    Her thoughts quickly shot through the moments of the beast that killed her parents and scarred her for eternity, the beast she couldn't remember.
    She knew she couldn't leave.
    " Hello.." she said hesitantly keeping an acceptable distance "are.. are you okay.. do you need help?"  
    forget me not; but never remember


    Messages In This Thread
    You're gonna go far, kid // Any - by Rebelle - 04-04-2019, 10:09 PM
    RE: You're gonna go far, kid // Any - by Izora Lethia - 04-05-2019, 10:51 AM

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