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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    [open quest]  i can see the whole world down below
    He likes the idea of this brand of chaos. It is innocent, for the most part, while at the same time being so mischievous that it makes the boy’s heart tremble with joy. He wakes in the early afternoon, clearly exhausted from the bout of troublemaking the rose-mare had cooked up for them the previous day, though he can’t put a finger on why he would be so tired. The desires from yesterday – <I>deceive</i> – have morphed into something new, and he grins wickedly as he wonders what kind of trouble he will get himself into today. His first thought is to prank Starsin, but before he can set off his little brother scampers up, mischief flaring in his colorful eyes.

    He’s excited as he explains his plan, and Meraxes giggles at the thought of Starsin’s face when she sees him pushing her dearest baby off of a cliff. “That’s perfect!” he agrees with a grin as his brother spins away and races off, and Mer follows along at a slower speed. Malone makes sure to gather up his dam as he travels for the cliffs, bumping into her shoulder and continuing on his speedy path. Meraxes sticks his tongue out at Starsin as he passes her, and when she falls in behind them he laughs out loud.

    They laugh as they scramble up the rocks to the top of the cliff, and he makes sure to glance behind him a few times to make sure that Starsin is still following them. She is probably yelling at them to stop, and to come down from there but the boys pay her no heed as Malone spins at the edge of the cliff and rears up to meet his bigger brother.

    Meraxes tumbles into him, skidding to a halt as his brother cries out in pain, but it is too late to stop their forward momentum and Malone falls backwards off of the cliff. “Oh, fu--,” Meraxes manages before Malone rights himself, and he watches his little brother with his sides heaving with fear until the boy is safely on the ground. Knowing that he is between open air and the wrath of a mother who probably thinks he just killed her only son, he tears along the cliff face until he is forced to descend, leaving Starsin in his wake as quickly as he can.

    The sun is beginning to set and he’s starting to tire again, but before he can settle back down, the scents of Starsin and Father overwhelm him. He knows that Starsin can’t be here yet, and Father is stolen away to Sylva, and a wicked smile crosses his face as he emerges from the trees to the couples’ resting place. A quick glance around reveals no one nearby, and he giggles as the flames tickle his throat and he sets their bedding on fire. Once the soft ground is alight with flames he darts away, eager to find a sleeping place for the night.

    After a few minutes he slows, yawning heavily as his exhaustion fully hits him. He is near where he woke up, he realizes – there is where he fell asleep last night. Sinking down into the familiar resting spot, he closes his eyes and drifts off to sleep.

    Messages In This Thread
    i can see the whole world down below - by Djinni - 05-24-2019, 10:39 PM
    RE: i can see the whole world down below - by meraxes - 06-19-2019, 10:16 PM

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