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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [mature]  you are insane, my desire; starsin

    and let me crawl inside your veins. I'll build a wall, give you a ball and chain.

    She has never been one to deny herself something that she wanted, but there was a part of her that is surprised at how much she, genuinely, wanted Kensa. It was becoming a habit of hers, it seemed, for her games to begin to accidentally fall into something real, and somewhere in the back of her mind she knows this is something she needs to break – but not right now. Right now, she lets herself get lost in the touch and feel of the beautiful girl next to her; the feel of her curves fitting against hers, the intoxicating scent of her, and the way that she tasted on her tongue. If she recognizes that it’s wrong to be touching her like this – if she thinks for even a moment of what would happen if Ophanim or Litotes found out – it doesn’t show.

    She has always been a little too reckless for her own good, but some things were impossible for her to resist.

    There is a tremor that tingles along the ridge of her spine when Kensa caresses the glowing dapple that rests on the inside of her thigh, and then a breathless moan at the feel of her tongue. She presses her delicate body closer into hers, her skin growing damp as she quivers at the bold way Kensa explores her. Her own mind is in a haze, and she finds she can no longer tell the difference between what Kensa is thinking and what she says out loud – and it doesn’t matter, because it is all the same. She can’t even find it in herself to be arrogant over the way her name is the only thing Kensa can think and say, that the only coherent thing she can conjure are pretty pleas for her to not stop, because Starsin is spiraling in the same fashion. She knows that sometimes she breaks contact to gasp Kensa’s name, or to lean against her when she feels her legs begin to tremble with a shudder that she is trying her best to hold off. But for once, she is not selfish, and she ignores the way her body is aching and coiling and begging for a release, because she isn’t going to stop until the other girl can’t take anymore.

    But Kensa’s climax becomes a catalyst for her own, the sound of her voice and the way her body begins to writhe and tremble beneath Starsin’s touch is all it takes to send herself closer to the edge. The feel of teeth sinking into her thigh elicits a gasp, and the feel of Kensa’s tongue against her once more is what pushes her over. Her neck arches as her body goes tense, pushing back into her touch with short, breathless gasps that eventually turns into a tremulous moan as the ever-tightening coil slowly unwinds.

    She is still trembling when she leans against her, her dark blue eyes half-closed as she simply waits for the haze she is in to lift. Eventually, she turns, her dappled side still flush with Kensa’s as she reaches to caress her lips at the top of her neck, before sliding down the damp skin. “Maybe,” she begins, with an amused, knowing smile slowly curling across her lips as she finishes with a breathless laugh into the other girl’s mane, “maybe we don’t tell Lie and Ophie about this.”


    it’s not like me to be so mean. you’re all I wanted.
    ( just let me hold you Like a hostage. )


    Messages In This Thread
    you are insane, my desire; starsin - by Kensa - 04-24-2019, 08:07 PM
    RE: you are insane, my desire; starsin - by Kensa - 05-05-2019, 11:32 PM
    RE: you are insane, my desire; starsin - by Kensa - 06-10-2019, 08:49 PM
    RE: you are insane, my desire; starsin - by Kensa - 07-05-2019, 09:47 PM
    RE: you are insane, my desire; starsin - by Kensa - 07-07-2019, 04:18 PM
    RE: you are insane, my desire; starsin - by Starsin - 07-09-2019, 01:21 PM
    RE: you are insane, my desire; starsin - by Kensa - 07-22-2019, 09:37 PM
    RE: you are insane, my desire; starsin - by Kensa - 08-01-2019, 10:59 PM

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