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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  Found my Dulcinea but I don't remember when; any

    somehow you lost your wonder in your quest to feel alive

     Jaunty and quick moving the boy was spritely… a creature of bursting energy and curiosity that broke through the foliage as if it were little more than a veil to be brushed aside. Tracked and followed by him, she found herself quietly flicking an ear and peering at the speckled creature and the vibrancy of the pale gold and yellows… the whites: all of it. Even his eyes piqued a curiosity; but alas, she felt little desire to explore it… even when he drew closer to her.

    Mother, she recalled, had warned her of the large brood of siblings she had- the grand stage of nieces and nephews and scattered cousins throughout the land; but Aodhan was younger, newer… and thus she knew not of him and rather of his Father. Softly as she can, there is a puff of air from her nostrils and her ears swivel a bit to listen- still studying him passively. Mindful enough of his knobby knees and boyish exuberance, Cthalpa finds herself centering what energy she can to pull her lips into a smile.

    Inquisitive as he is, and as easy as Aodhan is to speak, she finds herself slow to respond: a virtue of fatigue and more, yet? She does nonetheless and when she manages it her voice is a mellifluous hum of song and tender affections. “Cthalpa.” she spoke, but the letters were ancient and archaic- a language long beyond Beqanna and so it came out rough on the tongue: ‘kuth ALP ah’.

    Father had said it was the name for Lizard-like beasts in the far-world; but she had never been there, instead… she could only dream.

    Such it was that she noted the heat signature and pattern, the various shifts and integrations: even distance had become a conquerable thing; but with his closeness it hardly mattered. Sniffing and unsure she shifted her weight, the pale hair tangling across her neck and the golden color bled into a kind of creamy facet with the roaning… enough that when the sun hit her, she appeared partially whitened; even her eyes changed too.

    Black with flecks of red and patches of brown the reptilian appearance remained and she noted something in him that almost seemed familiar, and so she continued with the same voice and tone from before. “You seem eager or lost, Aodhan.” 

    slayed your hope but didn't let yourself know it had died


    @[Aodhan] she is the depression cousin
    PVP: On
    Severe Injury, Permanent Mutilation, and Death Permitted.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: Found my Dulcinea but I don't remember when; any - by Cthalpa - 07-27-2019, 10:01 AM

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