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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    when you came in, the air went out, adna

    i'll let you play the role. i'll be your animal.
    It seemed so obvious, now, that she could have always come home to her mother’s soft embrace. Life has been easy in Tephra with Prayer growing stronger every day and her mother telling her all about the things she’s missed. Leliana leaves out the worst parts of the war but she grooms Sabbath’s hair and explains how her father’s curse is broken. The magician thinks maybe Sabbath’s could be lifted, as well. Each night, she sleeps in the bed of flowers her mother grows for her and she kisses her tiny daughter goodnight. Life is picturesque and nothing could harm their perfect reality that her parents have bought with their own blood and sweat.
    At least, she tells herself this.
    But the Tephran queen’s heart aches for all her children to come home and so the serpent girl sets out in search of her older sister. Some part of Sabbath knows that Vulgaris loves Adna best but he is careful to shower each of their growing brood with affection. Somehow, she doesn’t mind being the second favorite so long as he makes time for her still. When he isn’t chasing the twins or chiding Chronos for luring Larke on some wild adventure, he finds a moment to gather them all for bonding time. How much better it could be with the other viper girl there beside her.
    She chooses to search the river first because that is where they always come when their hearts are aching. Anything worth remembering has always happened here. Somewhere in these running waters, the other half of her horn is probably buried in the mud or still bobbing along. A part of her regrets it now but it made her pain into something real, something she could nurse and care for instead of a pincushion little heart. Her green doe eyes search the area for the other half of her soul and it doesn’t take long to pick her out of the crowd.
    While Adna is still dark, Sabbath has begun to lighten with little red dapples marking her skin. She hadn’t wanted to change color over time and a part of her envied her sister for not going through this but she’s outgrown the jealousy, for the most part. Perhaps they were too much alike in the beginning. Sabbath is quick to close the distance between them, slender legs carrying her right up to the other girl so she can bury her face in Adna’s strong shoulder. It feels so good to feel their scales meeting again, like a second homecoming just for them. She smells all the places her sister has been and she exhales them with a smile on her soft face. For now, the fire in her soul is content to be a quiet smoldering ember.
    I’m sorry I stayed gone from you for so long. I should have gone looking for you, but I wanted to be alone,” she explains with her face still tucked in the black locks of Adna’s mane. “Things are really different this time. Father gave up everything for us. You should see how much his face has changed.
    And she laughs, surprised at how easy it comes to her without some self-deprecating joke right before.
    Are you.. Are you having a baby? I.. have a daughter now. I want you to meet her.
    She grows shy, eager to boast of how beautiful Prayer is, but she contains herself for now. Part of Sabbath worries that perhaps that vile angel boy from Loess fathered this child after breaking her sister’s porcelain heart. The slumbering ember of her heart briefly flickers to life, suddenly awoken by that hunger for vengeance, but she pushes it down for now. Some other day.

    Messages In This Thread
    when you came in, the air went out, adna - by Sabbath - 08-21-2019, 03:35 PM

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