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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I just wanna be somebody to someone {Tunneltime}

    “You will.” The creature Tunnel murmurs, low and dark. The needles and leaves beneath the woman’s hooves snap and rustle  and then fall quiet because he does not follow. Often meetings like these are governed by what is to be gained and it’s worth in comparison to the energy it costs. Elaina costs too much for an emotionless monster who collects unwanted children and broken women, requires too much effort.

    Irritation darkens that man’s previously indifferent countenance. Most are allowed to escape him when they become too inconvenient or boring to continue to bother with but he is already bored. Bored with what he has, with endless days and nights spent without plan or purpose. He has been too long separated from his favorite plaything, the one creature who might have summoned some feeling out of him. Try as he may there is no finding a replacement for her and though the golden creature should not put him in mind of his thorn winged pet there is a twisted connection made all the same. Tunnel wants only to possess, but with his latest quarry drifting away he makes the decision to force something of himself, some additional effort he once would have given only to Shroud.

    “Doing what, Sunflower?” Says he, standing where she has left him. Grey eyes appraise her anxiousness and he knows she wants him to come after her, but if he does she will not like what befalls her...and she is not a pet that he wants to break right away. “What is it you think I’m doing?” What does she want him to be doing? Being some sweeter daydream version of a blue evil with a black smudged face, perhaps? Elaina will go on in her disappointment if that is the case.

    “Come here Elaina. Come here and tell me about your scars…” It may be a bit of coaxing but it has a steel backbone of command. “Or leave.” Tunnel snaps his black tail against his barred hocks, the impatience of a predator who will wait for hours all the same. A heavy footfall brings him part of the way to her, but leaves the rest for Elaina to make up. When she comes he’ll not let her go again until he is ready.


    the heart moving through a tunnel
    in it darkness, darkness, darkness

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    RE: I just wanna be somebody to someone {Tunneltime} - by Tunnel - 09-07-2019, 10:41 PM

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