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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I feel a bad moon rising; lilli & diplomats
    Lepis barely manages to hide the look of alarm in her blue-grey eyes at her daughter’s reaction to the suggestion of catching a parrot. The dun mare is quite sure that Celina had looked hungry when she nods enthusiastically to Eva’s direction. The yearling gives her Mother a quick glance that Lepis answered with a wordless reminder to have fun but remain cautious and a small nod. Then Celina is trotting off down the beach and Lepis is turning her attention back to the trio of other women. Lilliana and Aquaria are completeing the niceties and Lepis follows with an aquiescent smile.

    The description of Ischia as a refuge and place of respite are stored away, as does the mention by the fin-maned mare that those ideals belong to her sister – presumably someone important here on the island. It is not Eva though, the Comtesse surmises, yet the purple mare is still someone of importance. Important enough to be making deals, at least, LEpis realizes with another smile and one last glance down the beach to where her daughter has stopped beside a spotted colt.

    “I’d like to extend a treaty.” She says, a formal offer that is not quite a binding alliance. “No member of Taiga will steal any resident of Ischia as anything more than immediate release at the end of the practice. The same for challenges – friendly and mock only, with both fighters to agree on the terms.” Friendly steals and challenges, she could have said, and trusted the Ischian diplomats to know what she meant. It is for Lilliana that she elaborates, knowing that the chestnut mare is new to politics – or at least to Beqanna’s particular method.

    “I don’t anticipate any danger on the mainland,” She says with a smile. Lepis would know, some might say; she’s the one they accuse of warmongering. “But if you find yourself in need of help here, I would be glad to send volunteer Taigans to help.” She will give her people the chance to help rather than requiring it of them. It is a bargain she’d made years ago with the redwood forest’s golden champion.  She promised she would not embroil the Taigans in wars they did not choose, and the Comtesse intends to keep her word.

    Aquaria had earlier mentioned taking in the sights of the island, and Lepis glances back toward her before adding: “I would like to see some of the sights, if you have time to show them.” Her tone is polite, but it has been years since the dun mare has set hoof on the tropical isle. There had been far more stallions then, she recalls. What else about the tropical island has changed, she finds herself wondering as the sound of her daughter’s laughter reaches her ears.


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    RE: I feel a bad moon rising; lilli & diplomats - by Lepis - 10-14-2019, 07:47 PM

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