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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I feel a bad moon rising; lilli & diplomats

    "I hope so as well," comes the chiming voice of Lilli. She manages a quick grin at Aquaria before regarding the Comtesse, her blue eyes holding Taiga's leader firmly in her sight. The northern woods have been quiet in winter and Lilliana relishes the change, missing the warmer temperatures that she had always been more acclimated too. Ischia seems to hum with birdsong and the air is filled with the scents of salt rolling in from the waves, clean water dancing in from the waterfalls and idyllic pools that lay beneath the jungle's embrace. Her nostrils flare as she breathes it all in, loving the way that they all flooded her senses.

    But the young mare remains quiet and her head turns briefly to Lepis, studying the dun pegasus as she speaks. The humor in her eyes quiets and Lilliana slips into the role of a pupil. She had wanted to learn. Lilliana had expressed that to the Comtesse. And if she was going to learn, why not learn from one of the best silver-tongued diplomats that Beqanna had to offer?

    There isn't much for her to say here; she feels about as helpful as one of the gulls that soar above on the ocean breezes. One ear remains flicked in Lepis's direction while outwardly Lilliana smiles to Eva and Aquaria. (And the humor sparks briefly back to life when she catches a glimpse of Celina greeting a spotted playmate further down the sandy beach, perhaps the 'Ayoh' she had inquired about.)  When Aquaria speaks of Ischia as a place of refuge, Lilliana nods her head in agreement with the statement. It's one she is familiar with, a mantra that she has grown up knowing. It's something that she hopes to accomplish for Taiga.

    The conditions of Lepis's treaty are different than those she has been raised with and momentarily, her lips purse together in a line. Not a frown, exactly, but enough emotion to show that she is considering what the Comtesse is saying. Why not an alliance with Ischia? What could they stand to lose with a paradise like this one? But Lilli keeps quiet and reminds herself that the whole reason she is here is to learn from Lepis, to follow her lead. She isn't native-born and there could be many elements that she is missing. So silent she remains and Lilliana contemplates the words that the Comtesse says, mulling the terms over internally and tucking away any questions she might have for later.

    All in all, things seem simple enough. A sort of extended 'friendship' that leaves both territories virtually alone with no concrete promises made.

    When Lepis concludes what she seeks of Ischia and she intends for Taiga, Lilli brightens. The questions in her mind settle and the dimple returns as she takes an inquisitive step forward, "I'd like to see more the of the island too." She's never seen Ischia before and certainly never a beach like this one, wide and wild with waves. "If you don't mind," she finds herself asking.

    @[Aquaria] @[Eva] @[Lepis]

    but it's all in the past, love
    it's all gone with the wind

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: I feel a bad moon rising; lilli & diplomats - by lilliana - 10-15-2019, 07:48 PM

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