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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  i feel a bad moon rising
    Once upon a time he loved the way Lepis could make him feel emotion like he’d never been alive before having met her. He loved that her gift passed on into their children who, despite their outward expressiveness, could give him further insight to their feelings and needs. It’d made him a better father in the past, but after Gale’s death that receptiveness had changed. The openness to feel and be felt was left buried in Loess soil with his youngest triplet, and he’d closed the door to true fatherhood after snapping first at Lepis, then Eyas when both had tried to comfort him with false emotions.

    But Elio was young, and the current of energy radiating from his center in invisible waves is baby-magic: Wolfbane is patient enough to reel back from threatening Lepis while maintaining his composure in the face of Elio’s unruly powers. He can still appreciate the strength of his son’s gift above his own irritation at it, but nonetheless felt himself sighing with relief when Lepis intervened. At least his nest-mate was adept at child rearing, if nothing else these days, Bane thought dryly.

    “That’s my boy, taking care of mother and Celina while I’m away.” He gushed, wings ruffling over his back with pleasure. “The others are big and strong anyways - they’ll be O. K.” He seemed to be convincing Elio, and smiling calmly for Lepis.

    “I went to the frozen lands, of course.” Her husband elaborated about his trip to Icicle Isle, but his gaze fell away from hers so they could pretend not to see into each other’s thoughts, and his voice changed to pure silver, “A place so cold it could freeze your blood and turn your snot into icicles!” The story-teller regaled to Elio, painting an image of barren tundras over the boy’s thoughts.

    “Your big sister Eyas went there and I just don’t know why.” The stallion shook his head, waving his bristly mane back-and-forth each time the thick coils of muscle along his neck twisted. “I tracked her as far North as I could, and then the trail went cold - literally.” Wolfbane sighed again, much louder this time. The last part had been strictly for Lepis; a tired, sincere look of concern passed like a shadow across his face. “But we shouldn’t worry, Eyas is strong and brave. She’ll come home soon… your old dad can feel it, Elio.”

    Sinuous and regal, Bane eased sideways a step or two until he and the red-gold colt stood somewhat face-to-face. “The real question is why I’ve been standing here this whole time and haven’t gotten a single hug from you?!” The Commandant wanted to know, a twisted look of rejection and sorrow contorting his otherwise mischievously handsome mask. “Didn’t you miss me at all?”

    [Image: Wolfbane2.png][Image: 3bCHvj.png]

    Messages In This Thread
    i feel a bad moon rising - by Lepis - 10-02-2019, 04:03 PM
    RE: I feel a bad moon rising; any - by Wolfbane - 10-10-2019, 01:11 PM
    RE: I feel a bad moon rising; any - by Lepis - 10-10-2019, 03:01 PM
    RE: I feel a bad moon rising; any - by Wolfbane - 10-10-2019, 03:32 PM
    RE: I feel a bad moon rising; any - by elio - 10-10-2019, 05:42 PM
    RE: I feel a bad moon rising; any - by Lepis - 10-11-2019, 01:12 AM
    RE: I feel a bad moon rising; any - by Wolfbane - 10-12-2019, 07:46 PM
    RE: I feel a bad moon rising; any - by elio - 10-14-2019, 10:56 PM
    RE: i feel a bad moon rising - by Lepis - 10-15-2019, 01:35 AM
    RE: i feel a bad moon rising - by Wolfbane - 10-15-2019, 11:08 PM
    RE: i feel a bad moon rising - by elio - 10-17-2019, 09:22 PM
    RE: i feel a bad moon rising - by Lepis - 10-20-2019, 03:12 PM

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