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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    When Lucrezia opens her eyes, she finds the god-king wearing a smile on his lips. She does not know truly why he smiles at her this very moment. Lucrezia cannot see the things that Osiris sees, but she can only assume he sees everything that she is. There is nothing to hide from him or his wife from before. She is open like a book from him, letting the rising sun, even Ra himself, to look upon her and see every strength, weakness, fear, and courageous experience she has ever had.

    Suddenly, the god-king stands and makes his way to her side. Lucrezia continues to hold his gaze, never letting her determined eyes falter away from his own. She is not scared of him, but instead she finds a deep respect for him as she should respect even death itself knowing someday she will be dead as well. Her life is on a time limit, but she is still young and understands there is much ahead of her and to experience. Osiris runs his fingers over her hip and speaks. Her ears flicker towards him, catching every syllabus that falls from his lips. ”You understand, don't you?” He says but she wonders if she truly understands. She must if he says such things to her. And then he is gone from her side and once again sitting on his throne, twirling the crook in his hand. She smiles at the god-king, and nods her head.

    She then returns to the Desert in a blink of an eye.

    At first she has no idea where she is at, but she can feel the familiar soft golden grains beneath her hooves. The warmth of the air then brings the memories of the sun to her mind, but she can feel the cooling from the shade. Her eyes turn towards the oak tree and she smiles to see it once more. However, Lucrezia’s eyes catch ahold of the golden sphinx upon her hip. It was the same place that the god-king touched her only minutes ago.

    I could be a queen, she smiles at the thought. But I must try harder.

    Lucrezia turns to see that there are two others at her side. She remembers seeing them before, but truly the winged mare has never spoken to them. Of course, she is not without manners and gives them both a friendly smile. She cannot also help wonder what each of them has experience. Did you see what I saw? Lucrezia may never know, however, one day they may all speak about it. It was indeed an experience no one else would have.

    Her eyes then turn quickly to find that they are all in the company of yet another god. She opens her mouth in awe as she takes in his form. It is the face of the god that she admires most. Lucrezia has always found something beautiful in birds. There was something extraordinary about the creatures. Maybe it was the way that they could simply go where they pleased with a pair of wings. Since she was a child she had always wanted to be like the birds – to fly around the world and see the million of places – and when she came to the Deserts, it became possible.

    She watches him curiously, never letting a word slip from her mouth. The mare wonders exactly what this one knows as she assumes he is skilled in many things. He dresses in modest clothing and sits comfortably as without a worry in the world – perhaps maybe it is the wisdom of the world that he appears this way. Lucrezia watches as he sets his tools down, admiring them for a moment, but returns to await his words. Eventually, he waves his black fingers and three boxes appear before him.

    The boxes appear simple even with the small golden lock. However, she notices the written words on the boxes. Lucrezia reads each one carefully, trying to understand what is to happen next. Her eyes move to Thoth. The bird-god speaks straight to the point but in simple words as if what he truly says is nothing really. To Lucrezia though, it means everything to her. This was not a simple threat and she does not take it lightly. It makes her heart pound hard and her mind race.

    I’m brave. She tells herself over and over again.

    Eventually, it is her turn to speak. She had listened carefully to each of the other horses choose the box and answer the riddle of the bird-god, but she herself had considered which one she would choose. This was the choice of life or death. Could she even handle herself to go forward? Maybe she should turn around and return to the Chamber. Her father and sister would gladly take her back. Yet, what would become of her? She tosses her head and pushes those thoughts away. Lucrezia knows exactly what would happen. Her life would only continue to be the same – a simple pawn in the game of crowns.

    Lucrezia stares at each of the boxes one more time before turning her eyes onto Thoth’s. She considers the riddle for a moment. ”A tricky riddle,” she says finding her words carefully if they were to be her last ones. “I think that the answer is that a circle has no beginning. The egg must come from the chicken, but the chicken must’ve come from an egg as well. Therefore, it is an endless cycle. And I think this theory can be said about many other animals as well. We all come from someone and somewhere. Each of us is a different egg though and sometimes some of us can be quite the rotten egg.” She smiles simply, satisfied with her answer.

    She then pauses, turning her eyes to the boxes. This was the last part that was asked of her. Each of the boxes holds something in them. Lucrezia does not have any idea of what is in each box, but she knows where it can be found. It’s quite simply really because it’s always been wither her since she was born – her heart. However, she turns her gaze to Thoth, to the sands, to the other mares at her side, and then to the boxes again.

    “I choose the second box,” she says with a nod of her head. It was the box she found fitting for her. Lucrezia has always risked everything she has since she was a little filly. She risked giving up the only home she knew as a child. Hypothetically, she could’ve lived a comfortable life as a princess in the Chamber and happy with her family at her side constantly. But she didn’t. Lucrezia gave up that kind of lifestyle for the sake of her home and a family. It was with loyalty that drove her here, and it is now that loyalty to the Deserts she chooses it all over again. “I’ve risked everything my entire life. I am sure you can see that, dear friend. I would gladly do it again for the Deserts. The sands gave me hope when I needed it and a home to come back to when I felt abandon. I owe everything to this place.”

    I am brave.

    Lucrezia is not afraid die now.
    It is worth it all to die this way, she decides.
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    CROWN COMPETITION: THE FINAL STAGE - by Sarah - 04-06-2015, 02:27 PM
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    RE: CROWN COMPETITION: THE FINAL STAGE - by Yael - 04-10-2015, 12:35 PM

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