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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    [open quest]  Día de Muertos - round 2
    <link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto+Slab&display=swap" rel="stylesheet"><style> #ionic{width:600px;} #ionicwrapper{ position:relative; z-index:0; border:1px solid #142c33; box-shadow:0px 0px 10px #142c33 inset; background:url('https://i.postimg.cc/P5ztx8kX/IonBG.jpg'); border-radius:100px 100px 100px 100px; padding-top:40px; padding-bottom:40px; margin-top:-90px;} #ionicimg{ position:relative; z-index:1;} #ionictext{ width:450px; border:1px solid #142c33; box-shadow:0px 0px 10px #142c33; border-radius:90px 90px 90px 90px; background-color:#67a1a5; padding:35px; color:#f2e0d0; font-size:14px; font-family: 'Roboto Slab', serif;}</style><center><div id="ionic"><div id="ionicimg"><img src="https://i.postimg.cc/mZ0p5X1q/ion-by-insane43-ddb4hg5-pre.png" width="600px"/></div><div id="ionicwrapper"><div id="ionictext" align="justify">He doesn’t know how long he stares into the crashing waves as they reach almost gently for hooves buried in the sand just beyond the water’s reach. He is only recalled to the present when the woman begins to speak. The one who had called them here, bringing such a vast array of equine together, from all walks of life, all seeking the same goal. She is ghostly and hollow, her voice echoing in the most curious of ways. But he barely notices, his heart hammering in his chest too loudly for him to appreciate such nuances as the tremendous weight of what he is doing crashes around him.

    He is here, ready to walk into death with barely a second thought, and he has no clue where it might lead or whether it would claim him as it’s rightful due.

    In all honesty, he cannot help but believe that it is perhaps for the better. He had stolen the life from his brother, his own twin. It seemed fitting it should be stolen from him as well. Perhaps he might even find a way to give Atom back everything he had taken from him. Perhaps he could give his parents one final gift worthy of their love.

    When the rift opens, he hesitates only a moment before stepping through. His only worry is that his token would not be enough. The strands of hair he’d plucked from his own tail seem hardly sufficient in light of the meaning meant to be imbued into them. Still, he has nothing more to offer.

    He pauses briefly in surprise when he feels no resistance to his passage, the only indication he had moved from world to another manifesting as a chill that races discomfitingly down his spine. And when he looks forward, he sees not the crashing waves he’d been staring at, but an almost ominous fog swirling before him, parting only briefly to allow glimpses of something beyond.

    He pushes onwards, refusing to turn back now. Refusing to prove himself a coward in the face of his many other sins. He does not know what to expect of death, but his youthful imagination can conjure nothing good. As though the dead spend eternity wailing miserably, drifting aimlessly through an endless fog.

    Perhaps he should not be surprised to learn that this is not the case, and yet somehow he is. For as he continues onward and the mist begins to clear, he finds himself in a place that curiously resembles the home he had just left. Except it is much more. As though whim and fantasy had built this realm rather than any sort of reality.

    His eyes are wide and wondering as he meanders slowly onward, hardly paying any mind to where his feet take him as he tries to absorb the incredible nature of the landscape surrounding him. Even as his surroundings begin to change the further he walks, it becomes no less incredible. Before long, he finds himself standing amongst the wide trunks of the most enchanting forest he had ever seen. A golden light filters through the foliage, suffusing the space with a warm glow that seems to almost glimmer in the air around him.

    He startles when a small bird flutters down from the branches, chirping madly at him, as though scolding the intruder in it’s wood. Ion takes an uncertain step back, but when the bird darts at his face, the volume of his chips increasing as small talons pluck at his forelock, he shies backwards, head tossing abruptly as he snorts in surprise.

    The bird, seemingly unphased by the sudden movement, flits away briefly before returning to repeat the process. It takes Ion more time than he cares to admit to realize the bird was <i>not</i> attacking him, but rather trying to communicate that he should follow. A realization confirmed when, after taking a few steps forward, the bird seems to bounce excitedly above him before flitting forward once more, down an invisible trail. Emboldened, Ion presses forward, picking up a trot as he tries to keep pace with the small wren. Though in all likelihood, that wasn’t necessary, given the way it flitted back and forth continuously, appearing to ensure he followed.

    It occurs to him only after some time that perhaps he should not follow random birds through the afterlife. Still, at this point, he’s committed. And since he has no other reasonable ideas, following his newly found feathered friend seems the lesser of two evils.

    They continue along a path Ion is entirely unable to see or discern, but one the bird seems quite certain of. After a while, he grows more uncertain, beginning to question his poorly thought-out choices, when, abruptly, the bird is trilling at him once more, small body smacking lightly into his forehead he stumbles to a confused halt.

    It’s only when he glances at the bird with a frown that he realizes they are not alone. For the first time since he’d entered the deathly realm, he had found another soul within. It only begins to occur to him how odd that is when every thought within his head scatters as recognition sets in. The wren is silent now, resting comfortably within Ion’s dark mane, satisfied with a task well completed.

    For a long moment, Ion can only stare at the horse before him. A perfect reflection of himself.

    The image stares back, seeming as surprised as he. He wonders for a moment if it is indeed merely a reflection. But when the reflection steps forward, the illusion is shattered even as it whispers <i>“Ion?”</i>

    For a long breath, Ion is entirely at a loss for words. He isn’t sure what he had expected when (if) he found his brother, but he knows it had not been someone of an age with him. Were he able to think logically, it might have occurred to him it would make sense. For they are indeed of an age. But logic has no place in this particular moment. Not when his only memories of his own twin were the warmth and weight of him followed by the press of a chill, breathless body.

    The image takes another step forward, nose pressing against the bridge of his own. <i>“You’re real,”</i> he whispers, and the soft breath across his skin jolts Ion into awareness. <b>“Atom?”</b>

    Atom pulls back, a smile spreading across his lips as he stares at Ion. Ion’s own expression reflects the shock, filtered through a veil of pain, he didn’t even realize he felt. <i>“I thought I dreamed you,”</i> he says after a moment, pressing close to Ion, breathing out a sigh at the familiar weight. Ion’s own body remains immobile as he struggles to comprehend reality. But after a breathless eternity, he finally manages an abrupt shake of his head. <b>“No,”</b> he replies slowly, voice rough and thready. <b>“Not a dream.”</b>

    <i>“I’m glad,”</i> he replies easily, drawing back once more, a bright smile curving his lips. He continues, a trill of excitement in his voice that Ion hadn’t known possible. <i>“Come with me!”</i>

    It takes him a moment to collect himself, but when he does, he moves into a stilted gallop as he attempts to keep pace with his twin. With a burst of bright laughter, Atom peels off, springing over a boulder as he leaps jovially into a nearby pond. It’s such an idyllic setting, the water clear and glimmering, a small waterfall burbling down into a basin that appeared perfectly designed for swimming.

    Ion does not leap into the water though, instead stumbling to a halt on the bank, brows furrowing as he peers sadly into the crystalline surface. The wren flutters briefly against his neck before settling back into place. When Atom surfaces, he does so with a burst of laughter before turning to peer at Ion with merry eyes.

    It takes him only a moment to notice that Ion does not seem to share his joy, and slowly his laughter fades as he wades to shore, a frown replacing the grin. <i>“Ion?”</i> he asks, suddenly troubled, <i>“What’s wrong?”</i>

    Blinking rapidly to clear the tears from his eyes, he looks at Atom, attempting to smile. An attempt that falls much too flat. Atom presses close once more, nose brushing his brother’s cheek in concern. Ion barely notices that somehow Atom is dry despite his dip in the pond. He shakes his head once. Twice, before finally managing to utter. <b>“Atom, you’re <i>dead</i>.”</b>

    There is a moment of silence, but when Ion hears a low chuckle escape Atom, he turns sharply to look at him in surprise. Whatever he might have expected, it was certainly not laughter. Ion’s surprised expression seems only to inspire <i>more</i> mirth in his brother, and a faint scowl draws his lips down until Atom finally gathers himself enough to respond. <i>“I know,”</i> he finally says through a wheeze of laughter, causing Ion’s brows to once more scrunch in confusion. <b>“What do you mean, you <i>know</i>?”</b>

    After a few steadying breaths, Atom is able to speak more clearly. <i>“I’ve watched you, you know,”</i> he continues, his tone becoming almost thoughtful. <i>“I’ve wanted to see you again for so long.”</i> He butts his head gently against Ion before adding, <i>“I tried to tell you I’m fine. To stop being sad. But you never heard me.”</i>

    For a moment, Ion can only stare at him, looking rather like a fish as he tries to formulate a response and fails. <i>“It’s really nice here Ion,”</i> he continues earnestly, expression growing serious. <i>“Everything I could ever want.”</i> His mouth twists wryly for a moment. <i>“Well, almost. But now you’re here. And someday, mom and dad.”</i>

    Ion drops his gaze then, unable to hide his sorrow. Everything Atom told him, it seemed too good to be true. <b>“What if,”</b> he finally manages to reply, <b>“you could go back and be with mom and dad?”</b>

    Atom seems to think about it for a moment before shaking his head. <i>“No, I’m not supposed to be there. And I’m happy Ion.”</i> He sighs then before pressing his cheek against Ion. Ion returns the gesture, eyes closing as he tries to stem his tears. <i>“You’re not really meant to be here. You can’t stay. But I’m happy you got to come. And one day, we’ll get to see each other again. I’m ok Ion. And you’ll be ok too.”</i>

    As his brother speaks, there is no stemming the tears as they leak from his eyes into Atom’s shoulder. He doesn’t even try anymore. For a time, they stand like that, each pretending it could last forever even when they knew it couldn’t. Finally, as the golden light filtering through the trees begins to fade, Atom speaks again. <i>“Ion, can you promise me something?”</i> When Ion doesn’t reply immediately, Atom continues with determination. <i>“Can you promise me you’ll stop hiding and try living?”</i>

    Ion swallows a tight knot in his throat, not knowing he could make such a promise. With a sigh, Atom presses, <i>“I know you’re using me as an excuse, but it’s not your fault. It’s not anyone’s fault. I think you should tell mom and dad that too. But please, if you really want to try and make it up to me, promise me that?”</i>

    Squeezing his eyes closed, Ion presses his face harder into Atom’s shoulder. But when he said it like that, he didn’t know how he could refuse. <b>“Ok,”</b> he finally whispers, his voice rough and barely audible, <b>“I promise.”</b><p align="center"><img src="https://i.postimg.cc/XqGHvhXR/IonName.png" width="350px"/></p></div></div></div></center>

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