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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [mature]  i've never fallen from quite this high; Aquaria
    finger trips across my cheek----------------
    ----------------kiss me until i can't speak

    I missed you too, she tells him, and Pteron feels the last of his worry sink into the sand. He had not regretted their night together for a single moment. Yet he knows the guilt he had experienced after his first time, and only realizes now that he had feared Aquaria might feel the same. But she says she has missed him, and Pteron had not missed Reia for a single moment. Aquaria tucks the softness of her nose beneath his jaw, and Pteron hums contentedly, smiling against the fin beside her ear before she pulls away.

    Pteron is still smiling fondly, though it soften at the lack of certainty in her own expression. Had he said something wrong, offering to bring her kelp? Aodhan had seemed genuine when sharing that it was her favorite, Pteron is sure. Why would Aquaria not want him to bring her gifts, to prove to her that she is special and important and valued? The worry rises up again from the sand, as rough and uncomfortable in his belly as real sand is. Her answer tells him that kelp can be found in the water, deeper than a land and sky dwelling creature than he might reach, but even that is not an answer.

    The nereid is moving ahead before he can ask, trotting away with a twitch in her hips that sends her finned tail swaying. Is she throwing him off-kilter on purpose, he wonders? Making him doubtful, uncertain? No, no, that is not like Aquaria. He cannot imagine malice in her heart, or anywhere in her, for that matter. And he certainly does take a good look at her as she trots ahead of him, remembering her second promise, the one she’s not yet fulfilled to satisfaction.

    She looks back – catching him staring, he is certain – but Pteron is already smiling at the memory, and he nods agreeably before he even really processes what she has offered. Once he has, the nod becomes more enthused. He has always pictured her beneath the waves when he is not present, especially after the way her bright scales had faded after time away from the sea. “I want to see every piece of you,” he tells her truthfully, picking up his own pace so he might move more evenly beside her. He reaches out toward her again without thought, thinking only of the salty-sweet taste of her, but his lips pause a breath away, and suddenly he pulls up short.

    “Aquaria,” he says in the space that grows between them, space that he hopes will not continue to expand. “Have I done something?”


    -- pteron --


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    RE: i've never fallen from quite this high; Aquaria - by Pteron - 11-19-2019, 12:51 PM

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