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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  grey mist on the sea’s face & a grey dawn breaking
    and underneath the layers, I find myself asking what's left
    a hollowed out form, the skeleton of a ghost, the pitiful echo of what once was
    Oceane is intuitive, observant. Eagerly, Castile takes note and nods his head in agreement with her. The islanders would, in fact, have to cover a vast distance in order to reach Loess, but there remains a concern that tickles the edge of his thoughts. ”True,” he continues mildly with contemplation etched across his face, ”But Sylva, Brilliant Pampas, and Taiga are all my responsibility, too. It isn’t just Loess. I still need to protect my friends,” he thinks nothing of the word, but it the emotional attachment to the term hangs suspended in the air between them. Lepis, Noah, Starsin. Their names flood every corner of his mind, but it’s a tidal wave that gradually spreads thin and wanes. Their lives are critical and so very sacred, but he would never outwardly confess this – not to them or anyone else. They are his chosen family.

    A wisp of humor weaves into Oceane’s voice that is enough to withdraw Castile from the swirl of his thoughts. A rolling chuckle swiftly pursues her comment and the recollection of their meeting in the field. ”He treads carefully around me but he’s gradually growing into himself,” he remembers Ruinam turning away and rejecting Castile’s proposition years ago. Something is changing in the porcelain stallion during his endeavors. He reeked of the Mountain; with consideration, Castile assumes he pursues a greater power.

    Is it a power to unseat the Loessian king? Wariness sharpens Castile’s senses. Almost every day, another small drake rises. They sprout like weeds, a plaguing growth just in the past few years.

    He scoffs inwardly, his thoughts hooded as he regards them as impotent plebeians. Commoners. Ill suited. Arrogance soaks through his pores, raising the standard and placing his own family above the others.

    Easily lost in his thoughts, he bristles. A flash of his eyes crackles with an inner flame, but when he blinks to look at Oceane, he is composed and steadfast. ”You will see one day, but I cannot guarantee you will enjoy it.” Many have faced harm when he shifts in their presence. There is blood on his hands, though not all of them have been murders. Although his control has exponentially increased, there’s still a rage inside him, a precariousness that abruptly surfaces when he least expects it. No one is safe, not truly. Tracing his gaze along the arch of her neck, toward her shoulder then her wing, he imagines his claws or teeth sinking into her flesh. Would she stand quietly and take it like a soldier? Or would she scream and curse him? A curious fascination glazes over him, but it lasts only a couple heartbeats until he shakes away the idea. Sochi has been safe. So will be Oceane.

    Taking a breath, Castile considers her second wish, leaving her first open-ended and still dripping with temptation and allure. ”I want you to give me reasons to trust you after I’ve been betrayed so many times,” he inches closer to her and the faint scent of fire and brimstone is rising again after months of dormancy, ”I want to see that you could be a capable leader or soldier – whichever path you want.” It steers back to her, to her own desires and ambitions. In truth, Castile wants to see her rise because she has the initiative and potential for it. Much like Straia to him, they only need a match.

    As a warm breath fans across her, he adds, ”I want you to show me what would make you happy.”



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    RE: grey mist on the sea’s face & a grey dawn breaking - by Castile - 11-21-2019, 01:53 PM

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