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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    a beautiful start to a lifelong love letter; family welcome
    Wolves in our own skin, we're savages. We act so primitive.
    Today is the very best day ever. My dads are finally, finally getting married. I spent my whoooole life hoping and wishing and willing this moment to happen, and now I get to sit in my favorite spot, surrounded by all my favorite people, and watch my dads tie the knot. Well, or make vows and bind themselves together in blood and whatnot. Tattoos, fire, magic, etc etc whatever the point is married! Ahhh I’m so damn excited I could burst!

    I’ve got my Fury girl curled up next to me, and Luna snuggled in on the other side. Halo’s nestled in between her and Roma, and of course Tycho’s just on her other side. And there’s Aunt Strange-Uncle Noctem a little off to the side, on their own and quiet-like, and watching with a happy, wistful little smile on their face. Well, mostly on their own. They’re cuddled up with Tiernan, who most of us littles have taken to playfully calling Grandda because it flusters the hell out of Grandma Quark in the most adorable way.

    Really, it’s just nice to see her happy.

    And Tiernan and Strange-Noctem go waaay back, back to their beginning almost. Tiernan and his daughter spent lots of time with Grams and Strange-Noctem, cuddling and telling stories and having adventures, and Tiernan was one of the very few who included Noctem even though he wasn’t there in a body. Since they know him a lot better than they know us, they’re cuddled up hugging him, with their head on his shoulder.

    Those are the only faces I know, really. Anyone else who might show up, well, I’ll need an introduction after. For now, what matters is sitting back and watching the ceremony. And when it’s done, and everybody’s done kissing and all, I jump up and rush over to hug my dads and revel in the happiest day ever. And, of course, hug Aunt Ryss and Uncle Zu too. I’m very excited for them too. It’s just, I’ve been waiting on my dads to get hitched since the day I showed up. And it’s finally here.

    All the littles swarm around our collective parents, overflowing with love and joy and excitement. Even Strange-Noctem comes over, their eyes flipping back and forth between blue and brown. “Congratulations,” they say, looking straight through Dad with faraway unfocused blue, then beaming at him through sharp, rich brown. Hugs all around, for Papa and Aunt Ryss, and one for Uncle Zu too. Blue eyes linger longer, staring into Uncle Zu’s like they’re saying more. And maybe they are. Telepaths, am I right?

    Best. Day. Ever.
    Do the rain dance like you're on fire.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: a beautiful start to a lifelong love letter; family welcome - by Dara - 08-08-2016, 03:19 PM

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