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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    All things are possible; Ilka, Augusta

    the night is my companion, and solitude my guide.

      Born beneath the gentle glow of pale moonlight and with dappled kisses presses against her damp and moistened brow, Augusta had been birthed wholly into love, her little heart filled to the brim with glee at the overabundance of affection laid upon her. The air, though thick with a frigid mist, had little effect on her slender, delicate limbs, as the warmth of her mother was never too far off. She reveled in her adoration, often pressing the smooth curve of her cheek against her shoulder or flank, curling into her as if she too could become a part of her again. Her thrumming heartbeat draws her near to her, and beckons her to her even when she has wandered too far.

      The heavy rustling of rapidly moving water lulls her to sleep beneath the pallid light of nightfall, and soothes her even when the nightmares of imagined shadow creatures settle into her bones and wake her from her slumber. The rigid, aged but looming pines whisper to her softly as heavy winds weave throughout, pulling her curious mind away from the distraction of her mother's whiskered kisses and her father's solemn presence, but it is not often that either allow her to tread too far away - worry lingers within their tired, heartbroken eyes, and though she does not know why they ache so terribly, she tries to stop their unshed tears from falling with her own onslaught of doting affection.

      Her slender limbs bound along the minuscule stones that lay across the dried field tucked away from the flooding waters; her heart light and carefree as she eagerly pursues a fluttering, floating monarch with her heart swelling with an enthrallment that only youth can capture. Disappointment lingers as a shadow in her bright eyes - a bright, glimmering shade of burnt sienna, like her own mother's. A gentle huff is pressed from her flared nostrils, and with dismay, she begins to tread across the uneven stone as she moves closer to her entangled parents, who whisper sweet nothings beneath the afternoon light.

      Wordlessly, she tucks herself against both of their broad chests, blending with her father's twilight coloring and her mother's soulful eyes, though her heavy lashes fall over her eyes as she settles between their loving embrace, listening closely as the two heavy heartbeats fall into sync.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: All things are possible; Ilka, Augusta - by Augusta - 08-14-2016, 10:27 PM

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