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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    Waking Up (Chosen Traits Within)
    <center><table width="564" border="0" bgcolor="#c9c9c9" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><img src="http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm178/megan_cox2/sahmnewon_zpsqxumiesp.jpg"><BR> <tr><td><center><table width="515"><tr> <td style="text-align:justify;"><font color="black" family="times" size="2">
    Newton was the first to wake, and it was terrifying. Newton felt the cool mountain against the entirety of his body. He shivered in fear and cold. He clenched his eyes shut after first opening them to see the world of chaos. Sahm was not near Newton. They had been tossed away from each other like forgotten dolls. The faeries had unknowingly separated the two lovers. Sahm feared greatly for Newton. He shot up from his fallen posture and began to scan the crowds. A flurry of emotions ran over him as he searched for his Newton amongst the screaming hoard. Sahm zig zagged through teams of horses. He looked with narrow eyes and mind for a bay roan stallion.

    In the foreseeable distance Sahm spotted a sunken corpse, crying into stone. With great urgency Sahm raced to the body, bent down, and cradled its head. <b>”Baby..baby..it is okay…I have you now”</b> Sahm cried into Newton’s ear. Sahm could feel the body wretch in tears. There was nothing Sahm could do for Newton but hold him, comfort him, love him. Newton remained in his debilitating fear for a long while. He didn’t like the noises. He didn’t like the pandemonium. It was terrifying.

    Sahm had no intention of leaving Newton’s side. He would stay with him until he was ready to move. They had to find Offspring and the others from the Tundra. The tears that Newton wept were beginning to dampen Sahm’s face. He gently pressed his muzzle beneath Newton’s eye and then lipped at the upper rim of his ear. In time Sahm sang a lullaby to drown out the sound. He would be Newton’s strength.

    Eventually Newton opened his eyes once more. This time he simply saw Sahm staring down at him. <b>”You ready, my love?”</b> Sahm said with a smile. Newton nodded.

    </td></tr><tr><td><tr><td style="text-align:center;"><font color="1f1f1f" family="times" size="10">sahm and newton<br> <font color="2e2e2e" family="times" size="2">the magician and the ice shifter <br><br></table></td></tr></table></center>

    OOC: This is a closed thread- please do not reply. They have both chosen for their trait to be immortality

    Messages In This Thread
    Waking Up (Chosen Traits Within) - by Sahm+Newton - 09-02-2016, 02:52 PM

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