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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Renegade Redd's [Open for business!]

    Hohotep. She was named after the Egyptian goddess of peace. Instead of being received as an empowering, strong name...well a name like that gives you a nickname of 'Ho'. Awesome. SUPER empowering.

    Eyeliner? Check. Red lips? Check. Tep decides after the lovely break up of her boyfriend and herself, well, what's the best way to soothe the raw hurt that linger just below the depths of her eyes?

    To go get fucked up.

    We've all been there. You're the great girl, the 'wifey' type. You wash his stupid clothes and make him stupid dinner. You let him even try that one thing in bed where you know you're just not sure but you love him so yea...it's love right? Wrong. After all the bullshit and all the smiles and all the going down on him...he still cheats.

    The fair hand with red nails hold a cigarette to equally blood red lips as she looks at the people slowly heading into that new bar up the street. There are a few guys, a few girls. One brow arches slightly as she wonders slightly about what happened to the last dump. Probably got shut down for some grimey reason. Tep wears her usual stuff, (she's not one to go out of her way to impress). Black straightened hair, a black tank under a flannel under a leather jacket, some skinny jeans and a good pair of sneakers. She knows when she in the kind of mood she's in can sometimes spill over to some confrontation with others.

    The last drawl of smoke has her feeling grounded as she crushes the butt under foot before crossing the street to the new bar. Its dark inside (but not the way slum places can be) the neon signs bring a bit of cheeriness to the faces that sit around the bar. Lashes fall and right as she sighs but not of boredom. A smile is touching the edges of her red lips as she slinks over to the bar to plop herself on a stool. "Well whiskey and a cheap beer." It is what she always have to start the night right. Another round of this would make her take off the jacket and flannel to finally relax and feel like she finally has a grip on life again. Eyes slide over to look to the others that had shown up already. Nails pluck another smoke from it's fragile packaging as she sees a man sitting a bit off. He is rugged and hard. She looks over his tattoos with a scrutinizing eye. They are decent word and well executed so he was not so idiot who covered himself in shit ink when he was seventeen nor were they prison tats...a good sign.

    When the whiskey and beer are brought over, Tep tosses the shot back with a mild grimace and chases with with a sip of beer. The flame of her light makes her eyes glow like the cherry of her cigarette as she lights up. The woman does not care to smoke but right now life was a fuck-all situation and she do what she felt she wanted to ease up the grip of hurt that was currently clutching at her heart.

    Messages In This Thread
    Renegade Redd's [Open for business!] - by Reilly - 09-23-2016, 01:03 AM
    RE: Renegade Redd's [Open for business!] - by Hohotep - 09-25-2016, 02:18 PM

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