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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Mandatory for those interested in peace caste. And info about new caste.
    sweet as sugar, hard as ice.
    if you hurt me once, i'll kill you twice.

    She watches as the female’s bicker among themselves, unhappy with everything, complaining about anything, and worst of all learning nothing from what had happened over the last few weeks. Hell they had even been turned away the first time, still they choose to focus on their emotions rather than looking past faults and banding together to bring themselves into this new world as a strong group. With a deep sigh her green eyes travel from the foamy ocean to the leafy trees. Finally, she looks to Naga with a nod of gratitude, followed by another nod of agreement with Lagertha’s idea of some rest.

    Silently she steps away from the group expecting that none would notice her, and if they do she doubted that anything but mistrust would be in their eyes. She doesn’t bother to check, seeing their reactions to her presence would do nothing for or against her. She wanders towards the cliff, the dense salty air cloying her lungs, almost as familiar as the jungles wet heat. Its not the same, but there is a sense of belonging here. Peace settles over her shoulders, and silence thickens around her as she comes to a stop. Looking up the craggy trail a smirk covers her face, the irony of her distaste in heights, and the fact that should need to climb it to get to the open grassland she imagines is probably one of the few reminders to her from the fairies that they did not forget her transgressions. She doesn’t mind though; she is to grateful for the simple acknowledgement of her existence by them.  

    Hestia eventually steps back into motion, taking her time to pick through the freshly made stones, and the loose dirt that has yet to be worn down into a well-established trail. Arriving at the lush greenery she turns towards the cliffs looking out over the sea, listening to the waves thrash against the sands. They need to learn to trust each other. She doesn’t care if they trust her, but she knows that to be successful in leading them, they would need to trust her. How to earn that though is another matter entirely. They are not a happy bunch, overly sensitive, and jumpy, much more so than she remembers. Then again she remembers when sisters had called each other wenches and laughed about it. Now they get offended at being called cowards. She shakes he mane out, sometimes she fails to understand them, and other times she feels completely in sync with them. She has patience, she can wait and see. Her eyes close, and the darkness takes her, time becomes a blur, and things no longer exist. There is nothing in this dark world of sleep.

    It is a relief to escape the world, the scents, the emotions, the sights, and touch. From being a ghost for so long, she finds herself sometimes zoning out of the world overwhelmed by everything that she can now feel. When she does eventually wake, she is standing near the cliff exactly as she remembers doing before the world had slipped away. Its time, it’s time to take action and help coax the small band into action. Trumpeting her call, asking for any and all that want to join the peace caste, or the spiritual caste, to come. She steps back from the edge turning to face the new comers when they arrive.

    She nods to each one, waiting until she does not see any lagging behind. Welcome sisters, Naga has already told you what it is that I will be doing so I see no reason to waste words. If you would like to join the peace caste, please step forward. She pauses a moment, allowing the sisters to assemble themselves before continuing. There will be a spiritual caste, and any that are interested in this may make themselves known at this time. Naga, Lagertha, and I will work together to make the soundest decision possible in who it is that will be joining this caste. There are limited positions available, and the work will not be easy. You must be willing to offer up your womb as well. So be warned there will be quite a lot expected of you if you choose to offer yourself up for this position. Again she pauses.

    When the discussion dies down she speaks once more. The first task for each of you who choose to be a part of the peace caste will be to recruitment three horses. When you have accomplished this come back to me and I will give you another task. If there are any questions, please ask them now. If not, then let’s get busy, there is a lot to do, and a lot to rebuild.

    OOC: So we will be choosing three mares from those that want to be a part of the spiritual caste. Those three will be trained by hestia lagertha and naga to be the keepers of the history, and innitiation helpers. The mare that is the most active will be chosen as the 'head' of the spiritual caste. this one will be expected to have a foal (the foal will be required to be played by another player, preferably one that is active, and hasn't been the head of the spiritual caste before.) The foal will be raised to be the next head of the caste. the other two must train, or have a foal to take their place when they die/quit.

    [Image: 345k45w.jpg]

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    Mandatory for those interested in peace caste. And info about new caste. - by Hestia - 10-09-2016, 09:24 PM

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