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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    As the Winds Blow, any
    as the winds blow, so will I know...
    He was nothing short of ecstatic when Naga had informed him that the Amazons had found a new home. They would always be Amazons in heart, but they would now be known as the sisterhood of Nerine. A coast line, she had told him. He couldn't wait to see it. He knew it wouldn't be the Jungle, for nothing could ever truly replace Her. Although perhaps Nerine would be just as good. Maybe better; a tentative thought.

    The panther queen- wow, what an accomplishment for her. The bay roan hadn't set eyes upon Naga since she was not but a filly-cub, but even so she was like a little sister to him. He couldn't be more proud that she had risen to this status after all these years. As their mother- his by blood, hers by choice- would be. The very thought tugged the edges of his blackish lips upward. He had sensed from Naga that there were some tensions that surfaced upon her taking the crown, but really, doesn't this typically happen when a new ruler is placed? Especially a young ruler? And if he was to be honest, he couldn't help thinking that if there was another sister who felt more qualified and more suitable, then she should have stood up and taken it herself. As Naga had done. Her bravery and courage in doing so gave the roan stallion the faith she deserved that she would prove herself. If she could do so, then the tensions within the herd would eventually fade. But Simeon would stand beside her, and he knew there were other sisters that would do the same. Truly a queen could only be successful with the aid of her queendom, so support is pertinent. Scorch had believed Naga had the potential, and Sim was determined to see that she reached it.

    The panther queen had imparted him directions to the coast from where he had reunited with her in the Forest, and he had eagerly set foot on the path. It was quite a distance to travel, but Simeon- always the wanderer- had welcomed the trek. It gave him time to think. About what was, what is and what will be. He wondered what his place would be in this new Coastal home. Clearly he wasn't a Maiden, he chuckled to himself. Would the new sisterhood welcome him as a brother once again? As he had been all those years in the Before. He couldn't help but feel a little anxious to find out. Naga had ensured him welcome to her- their, the sisters'- home. But he wondered where his place would be.

    For the first time in.. well, probably forever, Simeon felt a longing for roots. For permanence. For a chance to show his loyalty and passion. For family. It had always been a part of him, but the draw to wander had always been too strong, stemming from deep in his soul and carrying him to a great many places. The difference now was that he had taken the fact he could return any time he'd wanted for granted. And now the home he'd known was gone. He, nor any of them, would be able to return. There is a huge loss inside him, the kind that was felt when the thing lost was gone forever. He does mourn, but he is also an optimist. Just because there was change, didn't mean it had to be a bad thing.

    The journey had taken him the better part of a day and a half, and he'd trekked through the night. He wasn't even close to tired, too restless to get to his destination. The bay roan stallion came to a high point of a hill where, at its peak, he could see the dawning sun rising over the ocean's horizon. The sunrise painted a beautiful picture across the sky, reflected scenically upon the water. The view from where he stood was breathtaking. He could see he sandy beach line, the rocks, higher up there was grass, and a voluminous forest that stretched up all the way to where he was. There were no words he could think of to properly describe it. Gorgeous. Wonderful. Damn near perfect.

    He took in a deep breath, his bicolored eyes closing as he savored the scent on the warming breeze. Salty mixed with the bittersweet smell of whatever kinds of trees there were below him. This was theirs. Gifted to them- no, built specifically for them by Beqanna herself when Naga led their group up the Mountain to make their plea. Well, she did a mighty fine job, and Simeon felt his heart swell with joy and love for it already. With his next exhale, he felt adrenaline beginning to rush through him. He couldn't wait any longer. Simeon made his way down from the heights he stood upon, keeping his pace steady and collected as he found his way through the forest. He revelled in the similarities to the Jungle, with the trees dense in more areas than they are sparse. It was less humid here, but still warm and the air was moist. There were no howling monkeys, no brightly colored parrots, probably no jaguars, but the place was not without its own wildlife.

    The sun had risen more toward the middle of the sky when he made it down the jaggedy cliffs and his hooves sank into the sand. He was not unfamiliar with the feeling of walking through the soft structure, but it was different this time. Better. His. Not his alone, obviously, but his all the same. Naga had described the Coast, but he'd never imagined this. Filled with more energy than he had in a while, his heart thrummed and his muscled ached. It was a very familiar sensation, seeking release. Eyes bright, he gave a quick scan to see that no one seemed to be awake just yet. The coast was clear, pun intended. And so he took his chance.

    With a deep nicker that bubbled over into a whinny, he reared and then catapulted himself into motion. He easily skipped over all the gaits and into a run, hooves stabbing into the sand, powerful legs thrumming. He's about average size, but stout and full of muscles, lean and fit. Those muscles ripple as they contract and release. His broad neck pumped, his head held up. This was exactly what he needed. Releasing his energy, careless and free, wild as the day is long. He grunted as he kicked his heels up in a playful buck, his frosted black tail whipping upward. Equally frosted mane tapped his nape with every stride as he galloped down the coast, following the shoreline and splashing when the tide rolled in.

    He felt like he could run this forever but eventually he did come to a stop facing outward, tail high and neck arched. Nostrils flared as he panted a bit from the exertion, not tired in the least, only lightly winded. A smile was firmly pasted on his maw as he stood on a dune, listening to the waves lick the shore. It was soothing to see and hear, so he let it relax him. And his goofy grin slowly settled into a pleasant expression and his breathing returned to normal. He couldn't imagine feeling anything better than he did at that moment, cocking a hind limb and briefly licking his lips, simply enjoying the scenery before him.
    as the grasses grow, so will I go…
    as far as the skies will take me nothing can break me…
    as the winds blow

    Messages In This Thread
    As the Winds Blow, any - by Simeon - 10-10-2016, 10:14 PM
    RE: As the Winds Blow, any - by Djinni - 10-11-2016, 08:03 AM
    RE: As the Winds Blow, any - by Simeon - 10-11-2016, 11:44 AM
    RE: As the Winds Blow, any - by Djinni - 10-11-2016, 01:54 PM
    RE: As the Winds Blow, any - by Simeon - 10-20-2016, 01:21 AM
    RE: As the Winds Blow, any - by Djinni - 10-26-2016, 08:01 AM

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