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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    inside of all of us is a wild thing; birthing
    It’s been a quiet, but happy year.

    Since Roslin’s birth Azlyn has mostly kept to herself, raising her daughter in Ischia’s quiet confines. It’s been, to put it simply, absolutely heavenly.

    It’s been over a decade since her last child, since she’d given birth to … and lost, Lestrade. She still thinks about, and misses the boy every day (where is he? how is he?), but Roslin’s presence has helped to somewhat heal the hole in her heart (though of course the girl can never replace her brother).

    It’s just been so, so nice to have a young one running about again.

    She’s seen less and less of Ashley lately, but she doesn’t mind. She’s had Roslin all to herself (except for the when the girl disappears for some exploring), and that’s all she needs. And she knows why it’s happening, after all - she’s seen Marlyn and Ashley together amongst the trees, and she knows love when she sees it. She’s not hurt by it - she and Ashley had fun together, and she cares for him, it’s true, but she wouldn’t call it love. At least they’d had one last fling - he’d given her one last gift then, one last child.

    When the labour pains begin she sequesters herself in a quiet corner of Ischia, hidden away from what few members of the kingdom remain. Roslin waits at her side, amber eyes narrowed in worry. The birth is quick and easy however (after eight other children, her body knows what to do), and in no time at all, a little bundle lies on the damp soil.

    Roslin hangs back as Azlyn stands and reaches for the bundle, nuzzling and licking it to life. It’s a boy - a handsome little boy with a reddish coat, violet points (reminiscent of his sister’s coat), tiny little wings, and a little nub forming in the centre of his forehead. Azlyn smiles down at him, happiness welling up inside her. “Come on little one, up you get.” She turns to look at Roslin, who still waits, watching anxiously. “Come Roslin! Come meet your little brother. His name is Badden.” The girl slips up beside her mother, staring nervously down at the red and violet boy. “Hello Badden. I’m your sister, Roslin.”

    @[Ashley] @[AbbyNormal]

    Messages In This Thread
    inside of all of us is a wild thing; birthing - by Azlyn - 03-24-2017, 01:50 AM

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