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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Run... Save Yourself from the Destruction [Open]

    It has been a curious thing, this interaction with Kolera and her family. Warrick was thoroughly enjoying himself, though. He always had taken a liking to meeting new faces and their presence was a welcome distraction. Thankfully, Karaugh’s next words spoke clarity to Warrick and he nods his head in understanding. “I’m not sure I have met him,” Warrick replies, referring to Nymphentamine. “I’m still relatively new to Tephra. It’s not surprising that some names are lost on the wind. I won’t be forgetting yours.” He smiles at the bay mare, blazing blue eyes sparkling with sincerity. His gaze flickers to Klaudius and then lingers on Kolera, softening. “I won’t forget yours, either.” Warrick stretches his neck forward to bump his indigo muzzle playfully against the filly’s. He snorts softly and tosses his head back spiritedly, black forelock falling across his eyes and face.
    “It’s true,” the bay stallion says to Karaugh, “Lucrezia leads us now.” Magnus’ transfer of power to the winged mare was apparently a surprise. Warrick does miss seeing the buckskin stallion around, and would have liked to get to know him a bit better (he felt like they could have been friends), but perhaps one day soon he will return. “I’ve met your leader, Djinni, in the forest a few weeks back. It’s been my intention to visit Sylva.”
    He smiles, navy lips curling on his muzzle. At this moment, Karaugh glides forward, her auburn skin warm and dangerously close to his own. Brows rise with curiosity, blue eyes carefully watching her movements as she circles him gracefully – much like a predator circling its prey. He allows it, somewhat enjoying the attention he was receiving from the mare. Perhaps her interest stemmed from Warrick’s concern for her children – or perhaps it was another matter entirely. Either way, Warrick did not protest. A lopsided smirk finds his lips as he allows his muzzle to gently brush against her hindquarters as she passes in front of him. “Now I have another reason to do so,” he says to her as she begins to exit, sparkling blue eyes watching as the trio begins their long journey back to Sylva. He decides he would have to visit, not only to see Djinni and Kolera again, but to get to know the mysterious mare Karaugh a little bit more.

    w a r r i c k

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    RE: Run... Save Yourself from the Destruction [Open] - by Warrick - 04-25-2017, 07:08 PM

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