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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    It had been months now, nearly a year, and he still felt like his world was tilted, off-balance. Dizzying. Change did not come easy to many, and these were hardest of all for him. The loss of his family. Out of all his children, born and adopted, only Jinju and Heda remained. But, as always, the Taiga was thriving, growing. He'd brought home a baby girl, and Jinju had as well. Four daughters now, and a grandchild on the way. Others, too, like Cress. Already, he felt she was a welcome addition to the Taiga, a welcome change.

    He tried to hold on to those positive thoughts as he piloted to one of the very few caves the Taiga had to offer, near the river where the beast liked to fish. Where he stayed, where he lived. Even still,  Ruan could feel the tightening knot between his shoulders and the weight on his chest. Like many things lately, he'd let this pass in silence for far too long, selfishly consumed in his mourning for things long lost with the growing confidence, and evidence, that the beast meant no harm. No longer, anyway.


    The name of the once-enemy was all he called as he stopped a distance from the entrance. The musk of forest and bear mingled with the faint trace of a girl, the quiet one that had come with Siberian to the Taiga. Fish and fresh water could also be smelled, the quiet whispering trickle of the river so near. All parts of their Taiga were perfect to him, home to him, but this had been the place Siberian had chosen for himself. It suited him.

    When the man came into view, he continued. "I hope it was implied by my lack of action towards you that you and yours are welcome to remain in the Taiga." A great deal of that time had been a watchful trial, waiting to see any sign that the bear still harbored malicious intentions. Nearly a year seemed well enough to prove that, for now at least, he didn't. Not anymore, anyway. Instead, the man seemed to keep to himself, taking his young daughter for walks and the like. Peaceful. But still dangerous.

    "Do you vow to fight on behalf of the Taiga for as long as you remain, and never again attack this forest or those that choose to call it home?" His voice was as hard and uncompromising as the direct stare he aimed at the bear. He'd never asked for a vow of loyalty before, had never considered it necessary, but for one that had already once proven a threat to them, it seemed a fair resolution to the broken trust between them. Besides, it wasn't a vow of loyalty to Ruan, Siberian could dislike him all he wanted, but loyalty to the home they shared.



    Messages In This Thread
    siberian - by Ruan - 05-02-2017, 12:26 PM
    RE: siberian - by Siberian - 06-17-2017, 09:58 PM

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