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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    call me the world's sexiest killing machine; khari, anybody
    And just like that, Kali wins over another one. Not that she ever has to try too hard. She’s a cute, charming little thing with bright eyes and an eager smile, and I’m going to be fending the boys off with a stick when she’s a little older. Oooh, or a bat. Hmm, nice big iron bat. I like that idea.

    Anyhow, Amet laughs and lowers his head to Kali’s height, and she grins and lips at his scales, those pretty brown eyes she got from her momma all wide and delighted. “Ohhhh they’re hard like shiny, sparkly stones kinda! But sleek and smooth too, like a snake. Cooool! What’s it feel like to have scales like that? Is it harder to feel when people touch you, or when the wind is blowing across your skin all soft and tickly and sweet? Do you shed like snakes do sometimes? Ohhhh is it ichy? I bet shedding is itchy!”

    Kali scampers along beside Amet, bouncy with excitement as she helps lead the way to the lake. “Yeah! Ohhh you should come see Ischia, it’s real pretty! It’s all green and warm and wet, and surrounded by ocean! We’ve got pretty beaches, and lots of space to run around, and there’s little islands too that feel like secret places to sneak away and play. Ohhh and we’ve got parrots, they’re these chattery rainbowy birdies that live in the trees and make sorta squawky songs and do this chittery crawky thing, and they come in all sortsa colors, it’s really neat! You should definitely come see, for sure.”

    I head toward Kharon, who looks a little put out that his sister’s so caught up in making a new friend. I huffed out a breath against his skin, lipping at his mane a bit and bumping my shoulder against him. “C’mon, kiddo. She’s gonna be so excited to race across the water with you.” Sometimes we’ve got to share her, bud. Part of her growing up, she’s gonna make new friends. Ugh, it’ll probably only be a year or so before some of those friends are more than just friendly, too, won’t it? Shit, they grow up too damn fast.

    Nodding after Kali and her brand new friend, I cast Kharon a rueful grin and start after them. Guess I'd better get used to it now, huh? “You coming?”
    Bite my shiny metal ass.

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    RE: call me the world's sexiest killing machine; khari, anybody - by Kerberos - 06-30-2017, 10:51 AM

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