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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    heat of the night; any
    So many thoughts seem to pile up in his mind. They were unorganized and were not able for him to sort through, leaving Warrick feeling overwhelmed and heavy. It was a familiar feeling to him, though he hadn’t felt it in a long while. He had been hoping that perhaps the chaotic thoughts and feelings had made their exit permanently when he had formed new relationships here in Tephra, but those relationships are dissolving (or were they already dissolved?) and with their absence, the heavy bulk eagerly set in once again, making him feel stretched too thin. In response to the ache in his chest and mind, Warrick had dove into his duties that Offspring so generously had given him. Despite not knowing him, Offspring seemed to understand Warrick’s strengths within the kingdom and targeted his ability to begin new, steadfast relationships with the newcomers. His assignment made him realize that Offspring was always watching and observing. He wonders, then, if the black stallion knows of the hardships he’s faced and the ones he still is trying to overcome. He must not, Warrick decides, for then his assignment would have been very different.

    He had already brought to Tephra another resident from the Field, Sirana. She was strong and adventurous, unafraid of new and unexplored land as well as strangers. She was a good fit, in Warrick’s eyes, and though he feels confident that a friendship between them is blossoming, his stomach turns sour with doubt.

    The bay stallion, with painted legs the color of the night sky, stares down into one of the many rivers that stream down from the volcano and run throughout Tephra. His reflection warps from the movement of the water as well as from the golden sunlight that plays bright patterns on the rippling surface. He continues to stare, looking thoughtfully into the river, but at the same time, is completely emotionless. His usual dazzling blue gaze somehow seems clouded, an edge of a frown beginning at the corners of his cobalt mouth.

    He tells himself that his thoughts about Ellyse have been innocent; he merely cares for her well-being and in all honesty, hopes that she would find Magnus again. He did not want to see the sadness find her eyes and hold her captive like that one day on the grey shoreline of the beach. He truly sees her as his friend and wants nothing more than her own happiness, but he cannot tell himself this without his heart twisting and turning with discomfort. He knows that a part of him, however small (even now), thinks perhaps that he could set it right, that he could be what she so desperately needs. Foolishly, during her absence, he had entertained these ideas. When her eyes grazed over him as if he was a complete stranger, he realized just how foolish he had been.

    Just as his thoughts were about to turn even more sour, a flash of light with an accompanying sound distracts him. He breathes in sharply, blue-tipped ears pricking forward curiously. Without hesitation he begins to move forward, splashing into the river and crossing quickly (it was rather shallow and the water cools the warmth on his back from the summer sun). Warrick comes onto the scene rather quickly, recognizing Offspring immediately. He’s rather glad that the king was already there; Warrick was used to investigating alone.

    The blue-pointed stallion draws up from behind Offspring, careful not to intrude but so that his presence was still noticeable. There is no evidence of a live fire, though smoke and ash clings to the air as his nostrils flare curiously. He is about to inquire, lips opening for words to form, but that is when Offspring’s gentle touch to his daughter’s head (Warrick can tell from their language and movements that these three were somehow related) alights with crackling, glowing flames. Warrick cannot help but raise his brows in astonishment, quickly putting the pieces together in his head. She is the light he had seen.

    He takes a single step forward, his head now parallel to Offspring’s shoulder, though there is still a few lengths of space between the two stallions. He cannot help himself; for his heart is compassionate and the sorrowful, confused look of the girl creates a gentle etch of concern on the dark lines of his auburn face, a small frown creasing his navy lips. His eyes shift to Offspring momentarily, meeting his new king’s gaze with a mild look, for though they have not met officially, he hopes the black stallion (also loving father, he realizes) does not find him too bold. His brilliant gaze of cerulean finds the painted girl – Spark, how fitting – and with a soft sigh, the lines of his mouth turn up slightly into a smile.

    “Unexplainable, maybe. There are a countless many things that are left unexplained, but are no less great than the things can be.”

    His voice is quieter than Offspring’s had been, but equally as deep and rumbling. For a moment, he lets his words linger on the air, wondering if he should try to take his own advice.

    “I’m Warrick,” he says, introducing himself to the twins that stood before him, for Offspring had already been aware of the stallion’s name. “I saw the light and wanted to be sure that things were alright.”
    like the sun,
    swallowed up by the earth

    Messages In This Thread
    heat of the night; any - by Spear + Spark - 06-05-2017, 08:49 PM
    RE: heat of the night; any - by Offspring - 06-07-2017, 12:08 PM
    RE: heat of the night; any - by Spear + Spark - 06-08-2017, 07:29 PM
    RE: heat of the night; any - by Warrick - 06-09-2017, 08:10 AM

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